

<h3>万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1706期105号fanny and annie组合打卡20190814Day3</h3><h3>viedo:0a 1-Hello, 3b 10-i see the wind ,cat in the hat </h3><h3>listening:annie 0a1-3单元</h3><h3> fanny好奇猴红本牛7级5-7</h3><h3>reading:annie海尼曼5本,fanny 牛7指读4本,理解性阅读:好奇猴红本2-3故事,dragon masters 1-charpter11-13</h3><h3> 中文:出售爷爷</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>练习册:牛津阅读树:hey presto</h3><h3>基本上可以独立完成,但书写是他的弱项</h3> <h3>phonics:元音字母组合ee ea发音</h3> <h3>writing:书写一直是他的弱项,我们慢慢先从字母书写练起来</h3> <h3>as we were watching the cartoon 0a 1-hello,mommy told the.story about Hello to annie</h3> <h3>rise and shine</h3><h3>it's get up</h3><h3>bear was waking up and stretching its body</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>the bird flew here and they said:hello,then the bird flew away</h3><h3></h3> <h3>the bird flew back,taking socks to bear</h3><h3>bear said:thank you</h3> <h3>the bear put on its pants and socks</h3> <h3>the bear went outside and saw the sun and said:hello sun,i am bear</h3> <h3>the bear saw flowers and said:hello i am bear</h3> <h3>the bear was walking walking and saw giraffe.bear said:hello. but the giraffe is too tall,the giraffe didn't hear bear.</h3><h3>then the bear had an idea, it carried a ladder ,put the ladder up on the tree .it climbed up to giraffe and said: hello giraffe i am bear</h3> <h3>then the bear was walking walking on</h3><h3>it saw some fish swimming in the water</h3><h3>bear said hello to the fish,but the fish can not hear it</h3> <h3>the bear put its head under the water and said hello to fish.</h3><h3>the clam heard.and was frightened.</h3> <h3>although the bear was wet ,but it was fun to say hello to crab and fish</h3> <h3>the bear was walking on and saw the bunny tugging the carrot. bunny like to eat carrot.</h3><h3>bear said hello to bunny. but bunny was scrared and frightened too. then they became friends. the bear helped bunny to tug the carrot. tug and tug, out pop the carrot.they were.happy</h3> <h3>then they saw groundhogs poping out of the hole one by one. they said hello the groundhogs</h3> <h3>then bunny bear giraffe groundhogs they played "say hello to each other" game</h3> <h3>游戏:sing the song and do the actoins</h3> <h3>游戏:making the puzzle of fish/ carrot /giraffe/ crab</h3><h3>annie.this is the fish . let us make puzzle of fish. after done we said hello to fish.</h3>