中国行。China line.


<h1><b>时间过得真快,转眼戈仔一家回国游已经结束。回想这次回国游大家都非常开心,特别是对于从出生到现在都还未回过中国的杨子健和杨子安来说特别感到神秘和好奇。 此次他们从三藩市首飞广州,然后再飞祖国的首都北京。在广州他们品尝了丰富多彩的中国美食。漫步广州最古老而繁华的北京路步行街,领略广州人的客情。登上广州最高的四季酒店,俯瞰羊城新貌。夜晚坐游船畅游珠江,欣赏江边两岸璀璨的高楼大厦、熠熠霓虹。同时在游船上观看南国粤剧,感受中华传统文化。 来到北京,下榻王府井,即漫步长安街,瞻仰天安门的雄伟壮观。第二天早登长城,个个争当“好汉”。下午参观十三陵。第三天游览颐和园、圆明园,感受皇家的兴隆与衰败。第四天游览皇城故宫和皇家祈福的天坛。来北京一定少不了尝尝北京全聚德烤鸭,还有鲜涮羊肉,到王府井大街走走吃吃那里的北国小吃,大快朵颐。此次回国游虽然天气炎热,又有些水土不服,但仍然非常开心,受益匪浅。两位小朋友一定留下深刻记忆。</b></h1><h1><b>Time flies really fast, in an instant ge zai family return to the country tour has ended. Looking back on this trip, everyone was very happy, especially for Yang zijian and Yang zian, who had not been back to China since they were born, they felt very mysterious and curious. Their first flight from San Francisco was to guangzhou, then to Beijing, the capital of their homeland. They tasted a variety of Chinese food in guangzhou. Walk along the oldest and busiest Beijing pedestrian street in guangzhou. Climb the top four seasons hotel in guangzhou, overlooking the new look of yangcheng. Take a boat tour of the pearl river at night, enjoy the bright high-rise buildings on both sides of the river, a bright neon. At the same time on the boat to watch the southern cantonese opera, feel the traditional Chinese culture. Come to Beijing, stay wangfujing, that is, walk chang 'an street, viewing the majestic tiananmen square. The next day early to the Great Wall, all strive to be a "hero." Visit the Ming tombs in the afternoon. On the third day, visit the Summer Palace and the old Summer Palace to feel the prosperity and decline of the royal family. Day 4: visit the imperial palace and the temple of heaven. You can't come to Beijing without tasting Beijing quanjude roast duck, or hot boiled mutton, and enjoying the northern snacks in wangfujing street. Although the weather is hot, and some acclimatised, but still very happy, benefit a lot. The two children must have left a deep impression.</b></h1><h3><b><br></b></h3> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">广州篇。</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">Guangzhou.</font></b></h1><h1><br></h1> <h1><b>古老的广州北京路。</b></h1><h1><b>The old guangzhou Beijing road</b></h1> <h1><b>广州的地标“小蛮腰”</b><b>。</b></h1><h1><b>Landmark "small waist" in guangzhou</b></h1> <h1><b>坐在广州最高的高楼俯瞰广州美景。</b></h1><h1><b>Sit on the highest building in guangzhou overlooking the beautiful scenery of guangzhou.</b></h1> <h1><b>大家一起喝早茶。</b></h1><h1><b>We have morning tea together.</b></h1> <h1><b>四海一家酒家吃饭。</b></h1><h1><b>Eat at a four seas restaurant.</b></h1> <h1><b>凌叔叔请吃日本料理。</b></h1><h1><b>Uncle ling, Japanese food, please.</b></h1> <h1><b>尝尝西北的肉夹馍。</b></h1><h1><b>Try the rou jia mo in northwest China.</b></h1> <h1><br></h1> <h1><b>在高星认真练习高尔夫球。</b></h1><h1><b>Practice golf seriously in gao xing.</b></h1> <h1><b>璀璨的广州夜景。</b></h1><h1><b>A resplendent night scene of guangzhou.</b></h1> <h1><b>和朋友聚会。</b></h1><h1><b>Go out with friends.</b></h1> <h1><b>长隆开心吃自助餐。</b></h1><h1><b>Long lines happy buffet.</b></h1> <h1><b>吃四川麻辣小龙虾。</b></h1><h1><b>Eat sichuan spicy crayfish.</b></h1> <h1><b>热闹的万达广场食街。</b></h1><h1><b>The lively wanda square food street.</b></h1> <h1><b>好美味的羊肉串。</b></h1><h1><b>Nice lamb kebabs.</b></h1> <h1><br></h1> <h1><b>好好吃的哦!</b></h1><h1><b>A good oh</b></h1> <h1><br></h1> <h1><b>开心一家人</b></h1><h1><b>Happy family</b></h1> <h1><b>在广州长隆观看马戏表演。</b></h1><h1><b>Watching the circus in guangzhou.</b></h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">北京篇。</font></b></h1><h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">Beijing</font></b></h1></h1> <h1><b>北京王府井</b></h1><h1><b>Wangfujing, Beijing</b></h1> <h1><b>雄伟壮观的天安门</b></h1><h1><b>The magnificent tian 'anmen square</b></h1> <h1><b>尝尝王府井大街的糖葫芦。</b></h1><h1><b>Try the sugar-coated gourd on wangfujing street.</b></h1> <h1><b>登长城,当好汉。</b></h1><h1><b>Climb the Great Wall and be a man.</b></h1> <h1><b>北京十三陵。</b></h1><h1><b>The Ming tombs in Beijing.</b></h1> <h1><b>皇家园林颐和园。</b></h1><h1><b>The Summer Palace.</b></h1> <h1><br></h1> <h1><b>品尝北京全聚德烤鸭。</b></h1><h1><b>Eat Beijing quanjude roast duck.</b></h1> <h1><b>北京涮羊肉。</b></h1><h1><b>Mutton soup in Beijing.</b></h1> <h1><b>皇家园林圆明园。</b></h1><h1><b>The old Summer Palace, the royal garden.</b></h1> <h1><b>故宫博物院。</b></h1><h1><b>The Palace Museum.</b></h1> <h1><b>北京天坛。</b></h1><h1><b>The temple of heaven in Beijing.</b></h1> <h1><b>与姑妈姑丈在白云机场广州酒家。</b></h1><h1><b>With aunt and uncle in baiyun airport guangzhou restaurant.</b></h1> <h1><b>再见了中国,下次有机会再来。</b></h1><h1><b>Goodbye China and come again next time.</b></h1>