华夏数学 - 数学竞赛新天地 By 俞新天

Zi Ping Lin

<h3><b>Duel</b> - version 2019, US vs China, for the fourth time in five years the US team won the first place at International Math Olympiad and China came out to tie with US after years in obscurity.<br><br></h3><h3><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></h3><h3><a class="link" contenteditable="false" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mathematical_Olympiad" target="_blank"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"></i>IMO</a> 展开 Summary 历届第一名。</h3> <h3><b>Math</b> is the core of STEM education because Math is the foundation of all modern science and technology. Whether it is cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence and block chain, or it is "classic" fields such as medicine or political science, skill is always a basic requirement or merit. Does your child's public school put enough emphasis and set high standard on math? Is math fun for your child to study? Will your child achieve SAT math score asked by the university she/he dreams to enter? If you are not sure about or not satisfied with the answer to these questions, you should explore the Math Competition classes offered at Huaxia. Here are some of the things your child can learn from this class: </h3> <h3><font color="#010101">Shine like a star and travel around like an athlete! Huaxia Math Competition student Mike Weng was awarded First Place in 2019 Houston Mathleague Competition and 5th Place in 2019 Texas State Mathleague Competition. He is now invited to attend national level math competitions around the country.</font></h3> <h3><font color="#167efb"><b>Solid problem-solving skills</b></font> - Math competitions require not only knowledge and concepts, but also efficient problem-solving skills. Both efficiency and skills come from rigorous training and persistent practice of solving math problems at higher difficulty level. There is a great variety of problems in math competition. Some problems are straight-forward while others are tricky or require combining different math methods. Some problems can be solved in a systematic way while other problems ask for creative thinking. The "learn by problem solving" method is vastly adopted in China and can be complementary to math education in the US. </h3> <h3><b><font color="#167efb">Fun factor</font></b> - If the only math a student has been exposed to is through textbooks taught in school, then she/he has missed many different flavors that math has to offer. Math can be played, explored and enjoyed just like any other extracurricular activities. Many math problems in this class will take the form of puzzles or riddles. Card games will be played to teach students from arithmetic operations to probability. Fun and joy are some of the most important factors in our course design.</h3><h3><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></h3> <h3><b style=""><font color="#167efb">Competitiveness</font></b><font color="#010101"> - Solid math education prepares a student to triumph in a world that becomes increasingly more dynamic and competitive. Not only the class will reinforce and expand math knowledge learne</font><font color="#010101">d in school, the systematic and creative problem</font><font color="#010101">-solving skills sharpened in this class will be precious to a student's ability to deal with her/his future career, whether it is scientific research, technological applications or a </font><b style=""><font color="#b04fbb">Whole New World</font></b><font color="#010101"> yet to be discovered.</font></h3> <p>欢迎浏览华夏数学-竞赛,兴趣,预备类课程:<br>华夏数学Middle School Math Competition<br><br></p><p>华夏数学UIL 3rd-5th Grade Number Sense&nbsp;<br>华夏数学UIL 9th-12 Grade Math Contest</p><p><br></p><p>华夏数学珠算与巧算 I<br>华夏数学珠算与巧算 II<br><br></p><p>华夏数学SAT Math Prep 7th(Duke TIP)-11th Grade<br><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></p> <h3>背景音乐:The Planets -&nbsp;Jupiter, the Bringer of Peace.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>注:避免音响影响工作和他人,可default设置关闭。<br></h3>