2019文昌中学“呼吸英语”夏令营Class2 Ending


世间好物不监牢,彩云易碎琉璃脆。相聚有时,后会无期。第十二天,迎来了闭营典礼,短暂的学习到达了尾声,也意味着James, Hannah and John的离开。<h3><br></h3> <h3>We had ups and downs, we fought.</h3><h3>We changed, both of us.</h3><h3>We grew and we grew apart.</h3><h3>But that is real.</h3><h3>I mean, that's life.</h3><h3>See you next year.</h3> <h3>闭营前的两天,我们一起为三位外教老师,为呼吸英语录制视频。我们中的许多人拖了很久很久,今天不好,明天再等一等,直到最终录制结束才明白大家对于夏令营的十二天有太多想说,话到嘴边又变成了不知如何是好。大多数人都是真诚的,一遍不满意,一遍又再来。最后才有了基本每人一个的祝福。</h3> <h3>有人说:“Thank you James, now I can remember more words in a shorter time.”有人说:“John, although you only gave us one lesson, that is the best English lesson in my Life.” 有人说:“Hannah, you are like a rain in spring, wind in summer, fruits in autumn and sun in winter. You are so nice. I love you.”</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>平日里练习无数次的Mama and Spice Girl,今天成了舞台上最嘹亮的歌声。整齐划一,欢呼雀跃,高呼对父母的爱与对夏令营的喜爱。</h3> <h3>典礼结束,我们疯狂的与外教合影,将2019年七月的瞬间永远定格;簇拥着添加他们三人的微信,期待未来的联系。而Hannah作为我们二班的主外教,当看到Hannah左右手提满礼品袋,我们或羞涩,或兴奋的期待她打开礼物的模样。我们希望她永远幸福。</h3> <h3>All good things must come to an end.正如许多二班的我们所说: if I have a chance, I want to join in this summer camp next year.未来可期。</h3>