China Trip 2019 (1)


<h3>Janos and I flew to China in May to visit my family and friends. </h3><h3>This was the local event, the traditional fashion show: Qipao</h3><h3>Qipao is the most famous Chinese trditional women outfit.</h3> <h3>My brother, sister-in-law, their daughter-in-law, and granddaughter.</h3> <h3>My sister-in-law took us to the traditional street food vendor. This is wanton soup. Delicious</h3> <h3>The waitress was carrying the soup, very hot and heavy.</h3> <h3>One of my middle school classmates and friends hosted the welcome dinner for me and Janos.</h3> <h3>After dinner we went to another classmate’s home garden and suite business. It’s called Mingsu, similar to Gervasi Vineyard kind of business.</h3> <h3>Next day, another welcome gathering by a different classmate and friend.</h3> <h3>Another dinner ...</h3> <h3>The classmates and friends took us to a local tourist atteaction.</h3> <h3>Our classmate/friend plus photogragher</h3>