

<h3>中国潮流 北京元素</h3> <h3>国潮</h3><h3>China trend</h3> <h3>北京元素</h3><h3>Beijing element</h3> <h3>这些图片有许多北京元素,代表着一个在北京呆了很长时间的外地来的北京人所看到的、热爱的关于这个城市的一切。</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>These pictures have many Beijing elements, representing what a Beijing resident who has been in Beijing for a long time has seen and loved about the city.</h3> <h3>China trend</h3> <h3>国潮</h3> <h3>这些图片有许多北京元素,代表着一个在北京呆了很长时间的外地来的北京人所看到的、热爱的关于这个城市的一切。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>These pictures have many Beijing elements, representing what a Beijing resident who has been in Beijing for a long time has seen and loved about the city.</h3> <h3>青春最好时,哈</h3> <h3>感谢 雷总 督促整改</h3> <h3>感谢</h3><h3>莹总 团队的辛勤付出</h3>