

<h3>The best time in life is not early, nor late, some people you are poor life will not love, some people you love at a glance, just that person also fell in love with you, that is the best time……<br></h3><h3>——蝶</h3> <h3>Youth is a plentiful and warm city, with a rose-like memory, youth is a dream can not be turned back, dreams outside the dream, flowers fell to the ground. In fact, youth is a flower to open the time, is those often reminiscent of the light and shadow conversion<br></h3> <h3>青春是座丰茂而热烈的城,关着一围蔷薇般绽放的记忆,青春是一场不能回头的梦,梦里梦外,繁花落满地。其实青春就是一朵花开的时间,就是那些时常追忆的光影转换。<br></h3> <h3>What's in a name? That which we call a rose,By any other name would smell as sweet.,名字代表什么?我们所称的玫瑰,换个名字还是一样芳香。<br></h3> <h3>“The brightness of her cheek would shame the stars, as daylight does a lamp.”<br></h3> <h3>她面颊上的光晕会掩盖星星的明亮,如同灯火在白昼下黯然失色。<br></h3> <h3>Her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream- so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night.”,<br></h3> <h3>她的眼眸在天空中闪闪发亮,使得鸟儿误以为昼夜更迭而高声吟唱。<br></h3> <h3>Love is a puff of smoke; the eyes of lovers have its purified Mars; the tears of lovers are the waves it arouses, and it is the most intelligent madness, the bitter taste of choking throat, the honey that cannot eat the mouth<br></h3> <h3>Give me a corner of the place, let me use the tenacity to surround all your loneliness, give me a flower blossom time, I would like to trade a tree bustling for you eyes back<br></h3>