

<h3>Treading along in this dreamlike,illusory realm,</h3><h3>Without looking for the traces I may have left;</h3><h3>A cuckoo's song beckons me to return home,</h3><h3>Hearing this, I tilt my head to see</h3><h3>Who has told me to turn back;</h3><h3>But do not ask me where I am going,</h3><h3>As I travel in this limitless world,</h3><h3>Where every step I take is my home.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Dogen 《Every Step》(道元和尚1200-1253,日本佛教曹洞宗创始人,也是日本佛教史上最富哲理的思想家。)</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>这是一首值得每个人用心品读的诗歌。在这个无垠的世界旅行,每一步所在的地方都是我的归宿。这种当下感,创造了生命丰腴和令人感动的内涵。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>(毛歌微信号:maoge1965)</h3>