英文歌曲《梦想成真!》Dream it possible


<h3>I will run I will climb I will soar</h3><h3>我奔跑 我登攀 我要展翅翱翔</h3><h3>I'm undefeated</h3><h3>我所向披靡</h3><h3>Jumping out of my skin pull the chord</h3><h3>挣脱自我的桎梏 拨动琴弦</h3><h3>Yeah I believe it</h3><h3>是啊 我坚信</h3><h3>The past is everything we were don't make us who we are</h3><h3>历史决定曾经,但并不能决定现在的你我</h3><h3>So I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars</h3><h3>所以我会坚持梦想直到梦成真 直到窥见漫天星光</h3><h3>It's not until you fall that you fly</h3><h3>不怕跌倒,所以飞翔</h3><h3>When your dreams come alive, you're unstoppable</h3><h3>当你的梦想成真,你便势不可挡</h3><h3>Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful</h3><h3>抓住机会/挥挥舞翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽</h3><h3>We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold</h3><h3>在黑暗中闪耀,点石成金</h3><h3>And we'll dream it possible</h3><h3>我们会梦想成真</h3><h3>I will chase, I will reach, I will fly</h3><h3>我追逐,奔驰,我飞翔</h3><h3>Until I'm breaking, until I'm breaking</h3><h3>直到坠落,直到崩溃</h3><h3>Out of my cage, like a bird in the night</h3><h3>走出囚笼,像黑夜里的莺</h3><h3>I know I'm changing, I know I'm changing</h3><h3>我知道我在变化,在蜕变</h3><h3>In,into something big, better than before</h3><h3>在变得更强大,变得比以前更好</h3><h3>And if it takes, takes a thousand lives</h3><h3>如果(梦想/这)需要付出无数次性命</h3><h3>Then it's worth fighting for</h3><h3>那就更值得去奋斗</h3><h3>It's not until you fall that you fly</h3><h3>坠落的过程中,你才会发现自己会飞翔</h3><h3>When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable</h3><h3>当梦想变得鲜活,你便会势如破竹</h3><h3>Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful</h3><h3>抓住机会/挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽</h3><h3>We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold</h3><h3>在黑暗中闪耀,点石成金</h3><h3>And we'll dream it possible</h3><h3>我们会梦想成真</h3><h3>From the bottom to the top</h3><h3>从低谷到巅峰</h3><h3>We're sparking wild fires</h3><h3>让星星之火燎原</h3><h3>Never quit and never stop</h3><h3>永不放弃,永不停止</h3><h3>The rest of our lives</h3><h3>点燃未来</h3><h3>From the bottom to the top</h3><h3>从山谷到巅峰</h3><h3>We're sparking wild fire</h3><h3>我们正在迸发野火</h3><h3>Never quit and never stop</h3><h3>永不放弃,永不停止</h3> <h3>张靓颖中文歌</h3> <h3>英文原唱视频</h3> <h3>这是一首非常好听的歌,是国际著名音乐人Andy Love为华为消费者BG品牌打造的歌曲《Dream It Possible》。歌曲讲述一个追逐梦想的过程,从最开始大气恢宏而又舒缓的钢琴独奏作为开篇,缓缓的引出Delacey婉转而充满力量的嗓音。每个梦想都需要时间的打磨,一路经历风雨历练,有迷茫,也有失望,但只要一直向前走,没有什么不能可能,最终都会冲破层层阻隔,美梦成真。</h3>