I Miss You 新西兰南岛


<h3><font color="#010101">摄影: Lewis/宝宝/红叶<br>出镜:Lewis/宝宝<br>编辑:宝宝</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  新西兰南岛的秋天,是缤纷绚丽的,那些深红,橙黄,翠绿,苍蓝将每一个地方都装扮的美轮美奂。整个岛屿的每个角落都被赋予了天堂般的美丽。</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  世界闻名的观星圣地特卡波Tekapo小镇,可见全球最美的天幕银河,感觉就在树下和星星约会……</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  秋天的皇后镇,送走了旺季的游客们,这座城市渐渐的变的安静起来。少了些许夏日的繁忙,但依然动人。坐在咖啡馆,看着秋天的阳光洒在湖面上,你会慢慢发现这座城市的魅力,就像她的名字一样优雅。</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  树慢慢变黄,落叶一片一片掉下,但是并不会让人感觉到凋零和清冷,而会让你觉得绚丽而多彩。</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  无论是西海岸,或者达尼丁,又或是箭镇,格林诺奇,还有基督城,都呈现出不一样的秋天。在南岛的每一处地方,你都会感觉到不一样的秋色,不一样的感动</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">新西兰是一个与世隔绝的动物物种的终极宝库,人与自然和谐相处……</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  无论是清晨还是傍晚,南岛的湖泊映照着阳光,洒在金黄色的山峦之上,让整个场景都会变得耐人寻味。</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">主题曲 czarina的‘’I miss you ‘’是无意在冬冬姐的彩视里听到的,第一次听到我就非常非常的喜欢。这首歌就像一个美女,站在新西兰海岸边,扬起精致的脸颊,飘散的长发,摇曳的裙摆…想念…入心…<br><br><br>歌词:</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">the photos on my wall remind me that you were once real <br>the pictures in my head are replay weren’t allow my heart to hear<br>all the emptiness i feel without you in mylife<br>it’s so hard to say goodbye when i keep asking why<br>where did you go<br>why were you taken from me<br>i’m still waiting for you to show signs of your guilty<br>i ….at.sky in …..though you might appear<br>come by to me my dear<br>i … I could hold you once more forever it will last<br>and spend anothor day beside you not allowing time to past<br>every </font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  away<br>in my heart you always be not too far away<br>where did you go<br>why were you taken from me<br>i’m still waiting for you to show your signs of your guilty<br>i ….at.sky in ….though you might appear<br>come by to me my dear<br>I miss you<br>Everywhere I go<br>I’m minded of you<br>…. Keepson coming back<br>Back to me<br></font></h3>