BCPA 一月一主题:中外名曲(Feb 2019)


<h3>记得我们有约 约在曰出那天<br>叶欢 “记得我们有约”</h3> <h3>是這般深情的你 搖晃我的夢想<br>纏綿像海裡每一個無名的浪花<br><br>甄妮 “海上花”</h3> <h3>Love can touch us one time<br>And last for a lifetime<br>And never let go till we're gone<br>Celion Dion “My heart will go on”</h3> <h3>We'll get a table near the street<br>In our old familiar place<br>You and I, face to face<br><br>Billy Joel “ senses from a Italian restaurant “</h3> <h3>I say love it is a flower <br>And you it's only seed<br><br>Betty Midler “The Rose”</h3>