Chinese Spring Festival中国的春节 双语作者:窈萌 诵读:窈萌 制作:窈萌 图片:百度网络


<h3>Spring Festival is the most solemn </h3><h3>traditional festival of the Chinese </h3><h3>nation. No matter where you walk </h3><h3>in China, you may feel the atmosphere </h3><h3>of the New Year. You may smell the </h3><h3>fragrance of Nian when it approaches </h3><h3>the end of January. If we want to trace </h3><h3>the origin of Spring Festival, it's for </h3><h3>sure centuries old.However the Nian </h3><h3>Smell has never faded, it's getting </h3><h3>stronger and stronger as time goes by.</h3><h3>春节是中华民族最隆重的传统节日,当时间挨近每年1月底的时候,无论你走在中国哪个角落,你都能感到新年的气氛,你都能闻到过年的香味儿,如果我们要追溯春节的由来,毫无疑问,它的存在已经达多个世纪之久了,然而,年味儿却没有随着时间变淡,恰恰其年味是越来越浓了。</h3> <h3>The enthusiasm of Chinese enjoying </h3><h3>Spring Festival is no less than that of </h3><h3>theWesterners for Christmas. They </h3><h3>devote particular care to the Spring </h3><h3>Festival plan which shows the </h3><h3>generosity of their buying appropriate </h3><h3>gifts for the relatives and friends, </h3><h3>such as nutritional foods,fashionable </h3><h3>and nice clothing, of course </h3><h3>including their cleaning and decorating</h3><h3> houses.</h3> <h3>中国人对春节的热情并不亚于西方人过圣诞的热情,且看他们是怎样全身心地投入春节计划吧:慷慨地为亲朋好友买合适的礼品,诸如有营养的食品、时髦漂亮的衣服, 当然还不忘给房子大扫除并把它们装饰一新。</h3> <h3>Bright red is a festival colour which </h3><h3>matches the liveliness of Spring Festival </h3><h3>very much. Can you see that the </h3><h3>chatacter Fu is red? The background </h3><h3>of couplets is red? Chinese knots are </h3><h3>red, lanterns are red?Red packets </h3><h3>with cash in are red? people's clothes </h3><h3>are red. All in all red symbolizes </h3><h3>auspiciousness and good luck. On the </h3><h3>great accasion, Chinese Red is </h3><h3>shining all over China.</h3> <h3>大红是一种喜庆的颜色,与春节很相配。你可看到福字是红色的? 对联的底色是红色的?中国结是红色的,灯笼是红色的?装着现金的红包是红色的?人们的衣服是红色的?总之,红色象征着吉祥、好运。在这种大好的日子里,中国红正在中国的大江南北流光溢彩。</h3> <h3>Somehow Chinese New Year falls on a </h3><h3>different date each year. As we know </h3><h3>Chinese calendar is a combination of </h3><h3>solar and lunar calendar. The date of </h3><h3>the New Year in 2019 will fall on the </h3><h3>5th of lunar Feburary. The New Year </h3><h3>celebrations will last 15 days from </h3><h3>this day on. Each year is named </h3><h3>after an animal. This year is known</h3><h3>as the Year of Pigs.</h3> <h3>然而,中国新年每年的日期都不同, 正如我们所知, 中国的日历是公历和农历结合在一起的。2019年新春的日子是农历2月5号,从这一天开始,新年庆贺将持续15天。每一年都是以动物的名称命名,今年便是人们所熟知的猪年。</h3> <h3>No matter how far away Chinese are </h3><h3>from home, they would try to get home </h3><h3>on New Year's Eve for the reunion </h3><h3>dinner with the family celebrating the </h3><h3>New Year.That's why the stream of </h3><h3>people coming and going in all </h3><h3>directions are crowded at the station </h3><h3>and airport. It's not just simply going </h3><h3>home, it's a great relief to their parents, </h3><h3>it's a beautiful memory to their later life.</h3><h3>The reunion dinner is big and rich. There</h3><h3>must be fish on the table of reunion </h3><h3>dinner to show the annual prosperity. </h3><h3>Of course dumplings are indispensable</h3><h3>on the table in the north and </h3><h3>Niangao in the south. As the whole family </h3><h3>enjoys the great dinner, they would watch</h3><h3>the Spring Festival Gala, talking and </h3><h3>laughing until the bell rings at 12. With</h3><h3>great excitements, kids are waiting for</h3><h3>their red packets which would be given</h3><h3>by elders. </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>中国人不论离家多么遥远都要赶回家和家人们一起吃团圆饭庆贺新年,这就是为什么从四面八方涌来的人流在车站、在机场熙熙攘攘的缘故了;这不仅仅是单纯的回家, 这是一种对父母的告慰,是一种日后想起来的美好回忆。团圆饭是一顿大餐,非常丰盛; 团圆饭的餐桌上一定要有鱼,以表年年有余; 当然,在北方,餐桌上水饺是少不了的,南方便要算是年糕了。全家一边吃着大餐,一边看着春晚,谈天说地,一直到新年的钟声敲响12点,孩子们还在兴奋地等着大人们给他们压岁红包。</h3> <h3>On the first day of the New Year, people </h3><h3>would wear their best clothes and begin</h3><h3>to visit relatives and friends.They greet </h3><h3>to each other with auspicious words for </h3><h3>good luck such as Happy New Year, </h3><h3>Gong Xi Fa Cai and so on. Zheng Yue </h3><h3>Shi Wu is another big event of the </h3><h3>Spring Festival. It is called Lantern </h3><h3>Festival. It's another big reunion for </h3><h3>every family.People would hang red </h3><h3>lanterns in front of their doors and </h3><h3>balconies to celebate.</h3><h3>On Lantern Festival the northern </h3><h3>people will eat something called </h3><h3>Yuanxiao, while the southerners will </h3><h3>have Tangyuan. Both are lovely </h3><h3>ball-shaped, indicating satisfactions.</h3><h3>After Lantern Festival people will go </h3><h3>back to work with parents' advice </h3><h3>and entrusts.</h3><h3> My friends, </h3><h3> Happy New Year! Everything goes well!</h3> <h3>在大年初一这一天,人们会穿上他们最好的衣服开始走亲访友, 他们会互至对方过年好, 恭喜发财等吉利的问候语。正月十五是新春的又一个大日子,这便是元宵节,这是每个家庭的又一次团圆,人们会在他们的门楣上、阳台上挂上大红的灯笼以示庆贺。元宵节这一天,北方人会吃一种叫做元宵的东西,而南方人则会吃汤圆,这两种东西都是可爱的球形状,表示圆满。元宵节过后,人们又将带着父母的嘱托开始出征、打拼。</h3><h3>朋友,祝您新年快乐!祝您万事如意!</h3> <h3>窈萌: 教师出身,对三尺讲台无比热爱和敬畏; 也曾游走四方,也曾浪迹天涯; 会在冬日里寒冷的北风中疾走,以感受其怒吼的气势; 会对秋日片片飘零的落叶投去关切,而脑海里正掠过它们往日的芳华; 会在春、夏的柔美热烈中沉醉……一个酷爱读书、朗诵、偶尔也会码字的女子,会用她深沉温润的声音,给你带去平和的温暖和感动……</h3> <h3>感谢图片作者! 如有侵权, 请联系删除。</h3>