

<h3>  北京路是广州市越秀区一条集文化、娱乐、商业于一体的街道,地处广州市中心,是广州城建之始所在地,也是广州历史上最繁华的商业集散地,日均人流量约40万人次,节假日更达到60万人次以上,高峰值达百万人。</h3> <h3>  Beijing Road is a Street which sets culture, recreation and commercial in one. It is a functional characteristics Street. The street lies in the centre of Guangzhou City.</h3> <h3>  Thousands of people from all over the world visit the Street every day, especially during holidays.</h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  北京路北起广卫路,南到沿江中路,全长1400多米。北京路商业步行街以中山四路与北京路交叉处为中心向四方伸展的商店群区,东起仓边路,西至广州起义路,北起财厅前,南至大新路,延及高第街一带,2002年1月1日起实现全日步行,周边景点有南越王宫博物馆、广州大佛寺等。</font></h3> <h3>  Beijing Road spreads from Guangwei Road in the north and to Yanjiang Road in the south. Its full length is about 1400 metres.</h3> <h3>  北京路,承载着广州城的荣耀,见证了这座城的变迁,是那种至今保持活力的传统城区街道的典型代表。街中的“千年古道遗址”有着直观而强烈的历史感,然而它始终是城市的潮流风向标志,集古老与时尚于一体。这里不及CBD高大上,却有着最原汁原味的广州。走到北京路上,仿佛能与广州对话。</h3> <h3>  Beijing Road witnesses the changes of Guangzhou. We can call it as “the miniature of Guangzhou”. You will learn more about Guangzhou when you go sightseeing there.</h3> <h3>  清晨,北京路静静地等待游人的到来。</h3> <h3>  夜晚的北京路,七色灯光下,多了繁华,添了妩媚。</h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><u style=""><b style=""><font color="#ed2308">历史篇</font></b></u></h3> <h3> 在北京路,可以在南越王宫聆听广府传奇故事;</h3> <h3> 去都城隍庙见证道教与广府建筑完美结合;品尝最地道的广府美食点心;</h3> <h3>  在万木草堂感受康梁文化、维新思想。</h3> <h3> 富有文化的沙井盖,斑驳的青砖石板,连绵的岭南骑楼,大市中的横街窄巷,朴实却依然延续旧有商业繁华光景的老字号,共同组成了广州最具代表性的街景。</h3> <h3> There are still many old buildings and streets of ancient times in the Street, such as Nanyue Palace, Chenghuang Temple, Wan MU cottage.</h3> <h3>  You will have a deeper understanding of the old Guangzhou.</h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><font color="#ed2308">购物篇</font></h3> <h3> 北京路是百年老店和广州老字号商铺的集中地,店铺众多,规模大,经营样式北京路是百年老店和广州老字号商铺的集中地,店铺众多,规模大,经营样式齐全,沿街商铺以经营服装、百货、鞋类、珠宝为主,现代化的大百货公司有广州百货公司、天河城百货、新大新百货公司、五月花商业广场、银座等等。</h3> <h3>  </h3> <h3>  If you visit the Street, you will find everything you want. There are both old and modern malls and shops in each street.</h3> <h3>  北京路上还有新华书店、科技书店和儿童书店,让人感受到浓浓的文化气息。</h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><font color="#ed2308">美食篇</font></h3> <h3>  北京路的美食非常多,肠粉、牛杂、大头虾、炖品、甜品、烧乳鸽都是北京路众多美食之一,也有很多老字号门店,如太平馆、广州酒家、百花甜品等。食在广州,真是这座城的魅力!</h3> <h3>  There is a famous saying “eat in Guangzhou”. If you want to taste the most traditional food of Guangzhou, you won’t miss the Street. Delicious food is the charm of the city.</h3> <p style="text-align: center; "><font color="#ed2308">思考篇</font></h3> <h3> Beijing Road is an old and modern street. I like it very much. Welcome to Beijing Road , Guangzhou!</h3> <h3> 此次寒假研学活动,让我走进生活,走进社会,学会了许多课堂之外的知识,提高了观察事物的能力,拓宽了视野,感受到探索新知的乐趣,收获颇丰!</h3> <h3> 俗话说“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”;“读万卷书,行万里路”。今后我会将研学活动继续下去,亲近自然,培养能力,知行合一,在实践中成长,在快乐中学习!</h3>