

<h3>  农历大年初八,2019.2.12星期二,是大多数商家开工的日子!从今天起,收拾心情,重新投入工作,迎接新的一年的挑战!祝福圈内朋友,诸事顺利,开工大吉!</h3> <h3>  对澳特力品牌来说,2018走过了平凡又不平凡的一年!平凡是因为我们是一群平凡的人,赶上了行业发展的历史机遇,在合适的时间恰好做对了合适的事,也得到了很多朋友的帮助,尤其是广大宝妈宝爸的认可和支持。不平凡是因为,这一年跌宕起伏,精彩纷呈,澳特力在去年下半年驶向了发展的快车道。用了短短一年的时间,已经另行业侧目!</h3> <h3>  关于感恩,感谢的话已经在年终岁末表达,站在新的门槛上,我们愿与全国的合作伙伴,全国的同行,我们可爱的消费者朋友,一起展望未来!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 未来是属于孩子的,这是我们这个行业的幸福和骄傲!还有什么行业比服务我们的下一代更让我们动力十足?!爱心成就事业,生命源于爱,爱是永恒的!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 未来是属于健康的,这是我们这个行业的基石和责任。还有什么行业比成就他人的健康更让人欣慰?!健康是1,其余都是0,关注健康,关注营养,就是关注生命!</h3> <h3>  好的愿景不一定成就好的事业,好的产品也不一定迎来市场的肯定,商业自有其规律,所谓酒香也怕巷子深!所以,我们更关心消费者的口碑,我们更关心诸如小红书等自媒体的分享!每一段真诚的分享都是我们前行的动力!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 口碑之外,我们一定更关注产品的品质!所以我们会守好第一道关,让澳洲优质品质的商品,经过层层严苛的检测检验,最后呈现在您的面前!</h3> <h3>  品质是基础的基础,优秀的品牌实力才是质量的保证!过去的一年,有那么多大咖为澳特力打Call,有那么多主流平台为澳特力提供了舞台。今年,会有更多的大咖和平台,延续和成就澳特力的舞台,也会有更多的澳特力新品登陆国内市场!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 我们乐于分享,我们使命必达!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 遍布全国的线下销售网络和覆盖全网的线上主流销售平台,澳特力已完成全渠道销售布局,也将入驻更多的平台,与更多优秀的合作伙伴共赢发展!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 是的,目光所至,您关注的就是我们关注的,健康是福,诸事顺利!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 澳特力全国销售负责人 莫建良</h3><h3> 2019.2.12 于杭州</h3> <h3></h3><h1> <b>Autili,Start again in 2019</b></h1><h3><br></h3><h3> Tuesday, February 12, 2019, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, is the day when most businesses start their work! Starting from today, we should tidy up our mood, put ourselves back into work, and meet the challenges of the new year! </h3><h3><br></h3><h3> Best wishes to all friends in the circle. Everything goes smoothly and the construction starts well.</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3> For the Autili brand, 2018 has gone through an ordinary and extraordinary year! </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Ordinary because we are a group of ordinary people, catching up with the historical opportunities of industry development, doing the right thing at the right time, but also got the help of many friends, especially the recognition and support of the young parents. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>It is extraordinary because of the ups and downs of this year and the brilliance of this year. In the second half of last year, Autili was on the fast track of development. In just one year, it has taken another industry to look sideways! </h3><h3><br></h3><h3> As for gratitude, thanks have been expressed at the end of the year. Standing on the new threshold, we are willing to look forward to the future together with our partners, colleagues and our lovely consumer friends throughout the country.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The future belongs to children, which is the happiness and pride of our industry. What other industry gives us more motivation than serving our next generation? Love makes a career. Life comes from love. Love is eternal. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The future belongs to health, which is the cornerstone and responsibility of our industry. What other industry is more gratifying than achieving the health of others?! Health is 1, the rest are 0, pay attention to health, pay attention to nutrition, is concerned about life!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>A good vision does not necessarily lead to a good career, a good product does not necessarily welcome the affirmation of the market, business has its own laws, the so-called wine fragrance is also afraid of deep lanes! Therefore, we are more concerned about consumer reputation, we are more concerned about self-Media sharing such as Xiao Hong Shu!Every sincere sharing is the driving force for us to move forward!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</h3> <h3>  Besides word of mouth, we must pay more attention to the quality of our products. So we will keep the first pass, so that Australian high-quality goods, after a series of rigorous testing and testing, finally presented in front of you!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>Quality is the foundation, excellent brand strength is the guarantee of quality! </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Over the past year, there have been so many big shots playing Call for Autili, and so many mainstream platforms providing the stage for Autili. <br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>This year, there will be more big shots and platforms, continue and achieve the stage of Autili, there will be more new Autili products landing in the domestic market!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br></h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </h3> <h3>We are willing to share our mission!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> Over the country's offline sales network and online mainstream sales platform covering the whole network, Autili has completed the distribution of all channels, will also be stationed in more platforms, win-win development with more excellent partners! </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Yes, the vision, you are concerned about our concern, health is happiness, everything goes smoothly! </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Matthew Mo</h3><h3>National Sales Director of Autili </h3><h3>February 12, 2019 in Hangzhou</h3> <h3>诚聘英才</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>岗位名称:推广经理</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>要求:</h3><h3>1、三年以上母婴行业或品牌推广、销售管理相关工作经验;</h3><h3>2、能熟练掌握办公软件、数据处理技能;</h3><h3>3、年龄 35岁以下</h3><h3>4、驻地杭州,能适应出差(全国范围)</h3><h3>5、待遇面议</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>欢迎推荐或自荐</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>另欢迎实习生或毕业生应聘我司,驻地杭州,详情面聊!</h3> <h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1womhwmu?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>【莫须有之50】电影《流浪地球》观后</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/18utoqig?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>【莫须有文集】持续更新</a><br></h3>