

<h1>  <font color="#ed2308"><b>  “Our A Wonderful Talent Show” at the Senior Center of Leesburg</b></font></h1><h1></h1><h1>On Friday, January 18th, The Senior Center of Leesburg had a wonderful “Talent Show”. Many Senior’s showed their talents. Some members sang, recited poems, played musical instruments, like guzheng, piano, ukulele, and the trumpet. The Master of ceremonies of our Talent Show, was the centers Manager, Erik Onate. He introduced the names of each performers, and in between the Acts, he entertained the audience with jokes and had everyone laughing and applauding. If you would like to watch our Talent Show and see the wonderful performers, please click the play icon to watch the video. Many thanks.</h1><h1> </h1><h1>.</h1><h3> <b> </b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b> 利斯堡老年中心优雅的“才艺秀”</b></h3><h3>2019年1月18日,在利斯堡老年中心举办了一场才艺秀。许多老年人展示了它们的聪明才智。比如唱歌,朗诵诗歌,弹奏乐器,像古筝,钢琴,小号,尤克里里琴合奏和伴唱,还有自弹自唱。特别是才艺秀的节目主持人Erik Onate,我们中心的主任,他不仅报告每个节目的名字,而且在每个节目之间,表演一段脱口秀。他讲的笑话逗得观众哄堂大笑,热烈鼓掌。如果你想知道这场才艺秀多么有趣,请欣赏音乐相册。</h3> <h1>  里斯本老年中心才艺秀全程录相DVD 已上传到优酷网 . </h1><h1> The video of talent show had been uploaded to</h1><h1> <font color="#ed2308">youku.com<br> </font></h1><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>老年人才艺秀主持人:Erik Onate, 利斯堡老年中心主任</h3><h3>脱口秀:Erik Onate</h3><h3>The Master of Ceremonies for the Talent Show was Mr. Erik Onate,new Manager. Erik Onate</h3><h3>stand-up comedy</h3> <h3></h3><h3>歌曲 《你永远不会独行》。</h3><h3>演唱: Bill Early</h3><h3>吉他伴奏: Chuck Downey</h3><h3>Bill Early Sings “You’ll Never Walk Alone” accompanied by Chuck Downey on Guitar</h3> <h3>视频花絮:歌曲 《你永远不会独行》。</h3><h3> 演唱: Bill Early</h3><h3> 吉他伴奏: Chuck Downey</h3><h3> 请敲击播放键观看视频</h3><h3> Bill Early Sings “You’ll Never Walk Alone” accompanied by Chuck Downey on Guitar</h3><h3> Please click the play icon to watch the video.. </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>古筝演奏:《茉莉花》,《友谊地久天长》</h3><h3>表演:Zumei Feng</h3><h3>Zumei Fend performed on the Guzheng “Jasmine Flower” and “Auld Lang Syne”.</h3> <h3>视频花絮:1. 主持人才艺秀。</h3><h3> 2 古筝演奏:《茉莉花》,《友谊地久天长》</h3><h3> 请敲击播放键观看视频</h3><h3>video trivia: 1, stand-up comedy</h3><h3> 2,Zumei Fend performed on the Guzheng “Jasmine Flow</h3><h3> er” and “Auld Lang Syne”. </h3><h3> Please click the play icon to watch the video.. </h3><h3> </h3> <h3>太极拳表演:</h3><h3>表演:老年中心太极拳班: </h3><h3>Taijiquan class performed: Gloria Doherty, Liz Wall, Jill Johnson, Bill Cour, Susan Crandall, and Clarissa Dieter.</h3> <h3></h3><h3>小号独奏:《美丽的粉红色和白色的苹果花》</h3><h3>表演:Desmond McCallum <br></h3><h3>Desmond McCallum played “Cheryl Pink and Apple Blossom White”</h3><h3> on the trumpet. </h3> <h3>视频花絮:1 太极拳表演</h3><h3> 2 小号独奏:《美丽的粉红色和白色的苹果花》</h3><h3> 请敲击播放键观看视频</h3><h3>video trivia: 1, stand-up comedy</h3><h3> 2,Desmond McCallum played “Cheryl Pink and Apple</h3><h3> Blossom White” on the trumpet</h3><h3> Please click the play icon to watch the video.. </h3><h3> </h3> <h3>歌曲:《雪绒花》</h3><h3>演唱:Haniyyah Muhammad </h3><h3>钢琴伴奏:Lois Power</h3><h3>Haniyyah Muhammad sang “Edelweiss” accompanied by Lois Power on the piano</h3> <h3>二重唱:《月亮河》和 《尤克里里琴合奏》</h3><h3>表演:Uke Group: Zoya, and Beth</h3><h3>Uke Group: Zoya, and Beth, performed “Moon River</h3> <h3>小品:《月亮河倒影》</h3><h3>表演: Erik and Cheryl </h3><h3>Erik and Cheryl performed a Moon River Reflection.</h3> <h3>视频花絮:1 歌曲:《雪绒花》</h3><h3> 2 二重唱:《月亮河》尤克里里琴版奏</h3><h3> 3 小品:《月亮河倒影》</h3><h3> 请敲击播放键观看视频 </h3><h3> </h3><h3> video trivia: 1, song “Edelweiss” accompanied by Lois Power on the piano.</h3><h3> 2,Uke Group: Zoya, and Beth, performed “Moon River"</h3><h3> 3, opusculum :Erik and Cheryl performed a Moon River</h3><h3> Reflection.</h3><h3> Please click the play icon to watch the video.. </h3><h3> </h3> <h3>尤克里里琴合奏:《蜂巢》</h3><h3>表演:Uke Group: Zoya, Beth, Marjorie, and Joanna performed “ Honeycomb <br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>诗歌:《月亮的歌谣》</h3><h3>朗诵: Debbie Hart </h3> <h3>歌曲:《蜂巢》和 《保持乐观》</h3><h3>演唱:Carol,Erik </h3><h3>尤克里里琴合奏: Zoya, Beth, Marjorie, Phyllis,Joanna 。</h3> <h3>歌曲:《约翰尼•古德》。</h3><h3>演唱:Carroll Howard </h3><h3>Carroll Howard sang Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry</h3> <h3>里斯本老年中心才艺秀全程录相DVD 已上传到优酷网。如果需要在电脑上观看大屏幕 ,你可走出美篇,在电脑浏览器上进入以下网址。打开优酷网观看全程录像。</h3><h3>The video of talent show had been uploaded to youku.com, you may</h3><h3> log in to watch it on the following web site </h3><h3>https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAyOTM1NTQ3Mg==.htm</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>请欣赏里斯本老年中心才艺秀全程录相DVD,</h3><h3>全程录相DVD已上传到优酷网。如果需要在电脑上观看大屏幕 ,你可走出美篇,在电脑浏览器上进入以下网址。打开优酷网观看全程录像。</h3><h3>https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAyOTM1NTQ3Mg==.htm<br></h3><h3> 请敲击播放键观看视频</h3><h3>Please turn on the video in WIFI environment,and click the play icon</h3><h3> to watch the video. </h3><h3><br></h3>