Lady, I Like the Look You Have Now 女士,我喜欢你现在的模样 双语原创:窈萌 诵读/制作/图片: 窈萌


<h3>Lady, again you are wandering along this </h3><h3>way,</h3><div>With your eyes staring, but at nowhere,</div><div>With your head raising, but in deep thought,</div><div>How many times have I accompanied you?</div><h3><br></h3> <h3>女士,当你又一次在这条路上徜徉,</h3><div>你凝聚的双眸,却不知看向何方,</div><div>你昂着的头,却思绪沉沉,</div><h3>多少次我曾与你相伴?</h3> <h3>Lady, again you are jogging along this </h3><h3>way,</h3><h3>With your hair dancing in the air,</h3><h3>With your sweat streaming down the face,</h3><h3>How many times are you back and forth on me?</h3> <h3>女士,当你又一次慢跑在这条路上,</h3><h3>你的头发在空中飞扬,</h3><h3>汗珠顺着你的脸颊往下淌</h3><h3>多少次你曾往返把我丈量?</h3> <h3>Lady, I'm the place you step in every day,</h3><h3>No matter a cold winter or a warm spring,</h3><h3>I'm looking forward to seeing you,</h3><h3>But it seems that you have forgotten me...</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>女士,我就是你每日足迹所及的地方,</h3><h3>无论严冬或春暖,</h3><h3>我都会翘首把你期盼,</h3><h3>但是仿佛你已把我遗忘......</h3> <h3>Lady, please enjoy the fleeting time,</h3><h3>For sure a person's life is not that long,</h3><h3>Decades is gone when turning around,</h3><h3>When could you stop to view the beauty of </h3><h3>mine?</h3> <h3>女士,请尽享这匆匆的时光,</h3><h3>人的一辈子诚然并不是那么绵长;</h3><h3>几十年的光阴也只是转背间的一闪,</h3><h3>何时你可以驻足一览沿途的风光?</h3> <h3>Lady, no need to live with a burden on.</h3><h3>Raise your eyes to look at the sky blue;</h3><h3>You could be a free bird,</h3><h3>With your wings soaring to anywhere you </h3><h3>want…</h3> <h3>女士,你不必有负重前行之感,</h3><h3>抬起你的双眸望向天空的蔚蓝;</h3><h3>你可以是一只自由的鸟儿啊,</h3><h3>振翅翱翔至你心之所往......</h3> <h3>Lady, don't say how busy or frustrated you </h3><h3>are.</h3><h3>Don't say how gloomy or depressed you</h3><h3> are.</h3><h3>Everyone in the world has his own can't </h3><h3>bear.</h3><h3>A door is closed and a win~dow is open </h3><h3>indeed.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>女士,不要说你有多么忙碌或沮丧,</h3><div>不要说你有多么郁闷或忧伤,</div><div>世间人人都有自己的不堪, </div><h3>一扇门关上, 必有一扇窗为你开敞。</h3> <h3>Lady, have a look at the mountains around,</h3><h3>Their greatness will tell you how to become </h3><h3>strong;</h3><h3>Lady, pick a cloud playing with it in your </h3><h3>hand,</h3><h3>Her soft comfort will fascinate your mind...</h3> <h3>女士,看一看周遭的山峦,</h3><h3>它们的巍峨将教会你如何坚强;</h3><h3>女士,摘一片云彩在手中把玩,</h3><h3>她柔美的舒卷将使你神往……</h3> <h3>Lady, yesterday is gone,</h3><h3>Tomorrow with poem lines will moisturise </h3><h3>the end of your pen;</h3><h3>The beauty around you will surely light your </h3><h3>passions,</h3><h3>Time passes as before, but with different </h3><h3>running...</h3> <h3>女士,昨天已成为过往,</h3><h3>明天会带着诗行来润泽你的笔端;</h3><h3>周遭的美定会将你的激情点燃,</h3><h3>时光依然荏苒,却会有不一样的流淌……</h3> <h3>Lady, the wonder of life is to challenge the </h3><h3>unknown,</h3><h3>Twilight now presages the brilliance next </h3><h3>moment;</h3><h3>Enjoy yourself if the flower of life is still on,</h3><h3>Be yourself if the flower of life is on still.</h3> <h3>女士,生命的美妙在于对未知的挑战,</h3><h3>此时的苍茫将预示着下一刻的绚烂;</h3><h3>活在当下倘若生命之花依然开放,</h3><h3>活出你自己倘若生命之花开放依然。</h3> <h3>Lady, I like the look you have now.</h3><h3>You have learned the peace of clouds.</h3><h3>You have learned the songs of spindrifts.</h3><h3>You have understood a swallow's </h3><h3>twittering...</h3> <h3>女士,我喜欢你现在的模样,</h3><h3>你已学会了云的安祥,</h3><h3>你已学会了浪花的欢唱,</h3><h3>你已听懂了燕子的呢喃……</h3> <h3>Lady, you let the breeze kiss your face,</h3><h3>With joy you smell the scent of flowers;</h3><h3>With sincere you feel the sunlight pouring </h3><h3>into your heart.</h3><h3>Lady, I like the look you have now.</h3> <h3>女士,你让微风亲吻你的面庞,</h3><h3>带着愉悦你嗅着花朵的芬芳,</h3><h3>带着虔诚你让阳光洒进你的心房,</h3><h3>女士,我喜欢你现在的模样。</h3> <h3>窈萌: 教师出身,对三尺讲台无比热爱和敬畏; 也曾游走四方,也曾浪迹天涯; 会在冬日里寒冷的北风中疾走,以感受其怒吼的气势; 会对秋日片片飘零的落叶投去关切,而脑海里正掠过它们往日的芳华; 会在春、夏的柔美热烈中沉醉……一个酷爱读书、朗诵、偶尔也会码字的女子,会用她深沉温润的声音,给你带去平和的温暖和感动……</h3>