

<h3>漳州墨緣文化傳媒有限公司,竭誠歡迎書畫界和演藝界人士加入! 本公司成立于2016年,擁有多年的企業營銷經驗,現擁有演藝界和書畫界的大量人脈圈 公司將以擁有人脈資源為基礎,發展相關業務,從與其它文化傳媒公司合作,發展至擁有自己的的演澤團隊以及擁有書畫界知名度的經紀公司為目標,與公益機構合作舉行書畫慈善公益活動,自建演藝團隊為企業以及各種歡慶場所活動! 聯系人:吳先生 聯係電話:13646064896 VX:whq064896 Zhangzhou Moyuan Culture Media Co., Ltd. We sincerely welcome people from the calligraphy and painting industry and the entertainment industry to join us. The company was founded in 2016 and Has many years of corporate marketing experience,Now we has a large number of people in the entertainment industry and the world of painting and calligraphy. Based on its own network of resources, the company will develop related businesses. From cooperation with other cultural media companies, it will develop to its own acting team and a brokerage company with a reputation in the calligraphy and painting industry. It will cooperate with charities to hold calligraphy and painting charity activities. Self-built performing arts team for corporate and various celebration venues. Contact person:Mr.Wu Tel number:13646064896 Wechat:whq064896<br></h3>