

<h3>I’m Linda. My chinese name is ziwei.Li. I live in&nbsp;</h3><h3>Brisbane now. I have two sons and my husband was my high school classmate.</h3> <h3>I like plants. I’m always busy from morning till night in the garden but I don’t feel tired at all.</h3> <h3>These are the flowers I planted. Some are dead, some are still alive.</h3> <h3>Flowers life is like our life. Only persistence and strength can produce the most beautiful flowers.</h3> <h3>I also like taking photos</h3> <h3>I prefer to photograph people and nature. </h3> <h3>I always take good pictures with this beautiful lady hahahahaha......<br></h3> <h3>This is me :)</h3> <h3>This is my dad .</h3> <h3>Only a beautiful mood is able to see beautiful scenery. The most beautiful scenery is a person’s inner peace.</h3> <h3>The kitchen is where I stay most of the time other than the garden. I dont’t like to cook, but sometimes I like to try something new in the kitchen. This is what I do :)</h3> <h3>I think I cook more for a good picture sometimes hahahaha......</h3> <h3>  good looking </h3> <h3>Every day, I need feed three sons (Including my husband)one dog, two parrots, nine goldfish. How is it possible to have no worries. I only choose to remember what makes me happy:)</h3> <h3>That’s who I am.&nbsp;</h3><h3> Someone that’s busy everyday, happy everday and a chinese speaking women</h3><h3> living in&nbsp;Australia 😊</h3> <h3>I enjoy life everyday:)</h3>