

<h3>在ArrrrrrT艺术谷 来自泰国的艺术家Ruthairat Kumsrichan Artist from Thailand, Ruthairat Kumsrichan 她的作品常常关注生命起源 Her work often focuses on the origin of life 将孕育生命的美好主题 Injecting the beautiful theme of giving birth to life 满满的用爱注入作品中 Into the work with full of love 给人最温馨的家的味道 Give the taste of the warmest home </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>这是逄戈庄一户普通人家的大门 This is the door of an ordinary family in Pang Gezhuang 也是中国普通农村每一个幸福之家的缩影 It is also the epitome of every happy home in ordinary rural China 它被准确的捕捉到了艺术家的眼里 It is accurately captured in the eyes of the artist 勾起了Ruthairat对幸福的记忆 Brought up Rutharat's memory of happiness 她邀请村中已年逾九十的老人 She invited the elderly who were over 90 years old in the village 为作品提写春联 Write spring festival scrolls for the work <br></h3><h3>她爱家爱孩子 She loves her family and loves children 与村里的小朋友成为了最要好的伙伴 Become the best friend with the children in the village<br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>她将自己对儿子的思念 She concentrated and made her thoughts on her son 以及孩童时的记忆 And the memories of her childhood</h3><h3> 浓缩制作成一只巨大的不倒翁娃娃 Into a huge tumbler doll 与其他艺术家及现场的村民 With other artists and villagers on the scene 一针一线的将带来的图像资料缝制在了一起 Sewing the image together stitch by stitch 让每一个看到作品的人 Let everyone who sees the work 都想上前和它拥抱一下 Want to go forward and hug it </h3><h3><br></h3>