How to complete your residence registration online


<h3>According to Chinese regulations, for foreigners who reside or stay in domiciles other than hotels, they or the persons who accommodate them shall, within 24 hours after the foreigners' arrival, go through the registration formalities with the public security organs in the places of residence. </h3> <h1>Some people are worried that they may not be able to meet the 24 hours requirement. Here is the good news. You can now register your residence in Shenzhen at home through WeChat!</h1> <h1>You can register for temporary residence online through the following ways:<br>1. scan the QR Code below using WeChat</h1> <h1>2. fill in the required info.<br>("Nationality/Region": sorted by country code; "ID number"; "Cell phone number", then click "Send Security Code" and the Code sent to your phone; "Email address": if error occurs, use email without punctuation in email name)</h1> <h1>3. Household Information:<br>You can't manually this part, you need to scan the QR code on your apartment door to automatically get your household information. <br>This QR code is stuck on your own door as an ID of the apartment. <br>(*If you cannot find the QR code on your door or there isn't one yet, you still go to police station for registration as before.)</h1> <h1>You can add this registration page into Favorites, so you can check your receipt later.</h1>