药都安国(祁州)向世界发出邀请!TCM Capital Anguo (Qizhou) embraces the world!


<h3>编辑摄像:燕赵佳缘</h3> <h3> 安国市古称祁州,现为河北省保定市辖区,京津冀中心地带,距省会石家庄100公里,北京200公里,天津200公里,雄安新区100公里,白洋淀90公里,抗日战争地道战遗址35公里,革命圣地西柏坡170公里,狼牙山(荆轲家乡)110公里。安国市(祁州)早在七百多年前的北宋时期,这里就成了我国著名的中药材集散地。清朝道光年间达到鼎盛,称祁州为"药州"、"药都"、"天下第一药市",素有“草到安国方成药,药经祁州始生香"之说,享有"祁州药材名天下"之盛誉。2006年5月20日,安国药市经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。近年来,中药业占全市税收的45%以上,交易市场年吞吐药材30多万吨,种植面积保持13万亩左右,总产量约占全省药材的一半以上;全国常用药为2600多种,这里药材经营达到3000多种。一直以来,作为全国中药材集散地和出口基地的安国,正在努力由种药(GAP)、卖药向制药(GMP)转型,本地制药、加工企业发展到200多家,现已有国内外多家药厂、药材农产品深加工企业、医院、高等职业院校等进驻和正在进驻安国,热情好客的安国市人民欢迎国内外友人相约安国,共谋发展! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br></h3><h3>Anguo City, known as Qizhou in the ancient times, is a district governed by Baoding City, Hebei Province. Located in the central area of the Jingjinji region, Anguo is 100km to Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, 200km to Beijing, 200km to Tianjin, 100km to Xiong'an New Area, 90km to Baiyangdian, 35km to the Anti-Japanese Tunnel Warfare Site, 170km to Xibaipo (a revolutionary resort), and 110km to Mount Langyashan (home to Jing Ke the Assassin). Anguo City (Qizhou) was already a well-known distribution center of TCM as early as the Song dynasty over 700 years ago. TCM business here reached its peak in Daoguang Era of the Qing dynasty, when Qizhou started to be nicknamed "Medicine City"&nbsp;"Medicine Capital""No.1 Medicine Fair". Sayings went that "Herbals will not be made medicine until they reach Anguo, Medicines will not give off aroma until they pass Qizhou",and "Qizhou medicines are known to everyone in the world". &nbsp;On May 20, 2006, Anguo Medicine Fair ranked into the first batch of Intangible Cultural Heritage, following the approval of the State Council. In recent years, the TCM industry has contributed to more than 45% of tax revenues of Anguo city. Over 300,000 tons of TCMs are traded here on an annual basis. Anguo maintains a medicine planting area of around 130,000mu, accounting for more than half of TCM output of Hebei Province; In China, over 2600 types of TCMs are frequently used, while over 3000 types are traded in Anguo. As the distribution and export center of TCMs from across China, Anguo has been trying to transform from a medicine planting (where GAP is applied) and dealing base to a medicine manufacturing base (where GMP is applied). Over 200 Anguo enterprises are manufacturing or processing TCMs. A number of domestic and international pharmaceutical factories, medicine processing businesses, hospitals, medicine-related higher vocational schools are settling into Anguo. Hospitable Anguo people welcome fellow Chinese friends and international friends, and are committed to working with you for the better development of Anguo!</h3> <h3>安国市古称祁州,是我国历史上著名的中药材集散地之一,素有“药都”和“天下第一药市”之称。安国药市的兴盛,起源于药王庙。凡参加药市的人,总要去瞻仰、拜谒药王庙。 安国药王庙坐落于安国市城南(原南关),是全国最大的纪念历代医圣的古建筑群。始建于北宋太平兴国年间(公元976-984年),至今已有千年的历史,是全国重点文物保护单位。 庙中祭祀的药王邳彤,西汉信都(今河北冀州人),是东汉开国皇帝刘秀部下二十八宿将之一,曾作过曲阳(今河北晋州市)郡太守。邳彤辅佐刘秀打天下,英勇善战,忠心耿耿,且足智多谋,为创立和捍卫东汉江山立下了不朽功勋,官至太常少府(相当于宰相)。邳彤酷爱医学,颇受军民拥戴,死后葬于祁州南门外。 安国药王庙的来历,有一个神话传说。相传宋秦王得疾,久治不愈,邳彤显灵治愈,宋秦王问其姓名,告之“祁州南门外人也”,“遣使即其地,始知为神”,遂封王建庙祀之。北宋建中靖国元年(公元1101年)追封邳彤为侯,后改封公,南宋咸淳六年(公元1270年)又加封为“明灵昭惠显王”。随着帝王对邳彤的不断封赐,“药王”影响越来越大。药王庙的建立,反映了后人对施德于民的邳彤的一种怀念之情。自从为邳彤建庙设祀以来,一般民众有病求助于药王,善男信女,常来进香,业药者乘机售药,以至逐渐形成了每逢农历四月二十八的药材庙会,历经几百年而不衰,以至有“草到安国始成药,药到祁州始生香”的说法。 明朝永乐二年(公元1404年),仿照宋代临安(今浙江杭州)的药王庙,以邳彤墓为中心,扩建药王庙。经明、清两代历次修葺,始成为现在的规模。药王庙建筑群占地3200多平方米,坐东向西,结构严整,有牌坊、马殿、钟鼓楼、药王墓亭、碑房、十大名医殿、药王正殿、后殿组成。 悬挂于山门之上的“药王庙”匾额,乃清乾隆时东阁大学士刘墉为之题写。山门外的牌坊,重檐庑殿式建筑,由黄色琉璃瓦覆盖 三间四柱,彩饰斗拱。正中匾额书有“显灵河北”描金大字。牌坊两侧有一对石狮,石狮外矗立着两根高达24米的铁铸旗杆,每根重约3万斤。两根铁旗杆上铸有一副对联:“铁树双旗光射斗;神庥普荫德参天。”铁旗杆上悬挂着风铃,迎风作响,给人一种悠远肃穆的感觉。 药王墓亭在药王庙的中院。墓为亭式,木拱起脊,琉璃瓦顶,外形玲珑别致,富有民族特色。墓碑上书有“敕封明灵昭惠显王之墓”。墓碑南北两廊及西面,碑碣林立,有几十块之多,记载着药王庙和药都的发展变化。 在药王庙亭南北两侧的配殿里,塑有我国扁鹊、华佗、张仲景、张子和、刘河间等十大名医人物像。这些塑像,据传为天津泥人张远祖之作,工整精细,形神兼备。 药王正殿是药王庙的主殿,殿中正位为药王身着龙袍的全身坐像,神采奕奕,端庄而又慈祥。药王两侧,分立着八名雄姿英发的武将,给正殿增加了庄重威严的气氛。正殿建筑宏伟,雕镂精湛,琉璃瓦覆盖,辉映耀目。 安国药市起源于药王庙,药王庙因药市而声名远播。1981年,国家医药代表团到日本大阪参观那里的药王庙,谁知女解说员说的第一句话竟是“(日本的)药王来自中国的祁州。” 药王庙在旅游资源品位上拥有全国三个之最:一是全国最大的药王庙建筑群;二是药王墓建于庙院在全国独一无二;三是庙外广场上立有高达24米,每根重15吨重的铸铁旗杆,旗杆上铸有两知盘龙,三重刁斗,顶铸翔风,中部挂有一幅铸铁对联:“铁树双旗光射斗,神庥普荫德参天”。这一造型在全国独一无二。这座古建筑,在战争年代和“文革”中曾惨遭破坏。1958年始,对药王庙进行了修复,庙貌焕然一新。药王庙建立后善男信女祈祀、香火甚盛,后逐渐发展成安国庙会。四方商客云集,百货交流,形成北方规模最大的药材市场,有安国药业起源于药王庙之说。药王庙已被列为全国重点文物保护单位。</h3><h3>Anguo city, called qizhou in ancient times, is one of the famous Chinese medicinal materials distribution centers in Chinese history, known as "the pharmaceutical capital" and "the first pharmaceutical city in the world". The prosperity of anguo pharmaceutical city originated from yaowangmiao. All who participate in the drug market, always go to visit, pay homage to yaowangmiao.Located in the south of the city of anguo (former nanguan), anguo yaowangmiao is the largest ancient architectural complex commemorating ancient medical saints in China. Founded in the northern song dynasty taiping xingguo years (AD 976-984), has a history of 1,000 years, is the national key cultural relics protection units.He was a governor of quyang (now jinzhou city, hebei province). He was one of the twenty eight generals of liu xiu, the first emperor of the eastern han dynasty. He was also the governor of quyang (now jinzhou city, hebei province). API tong assisted liu xiu to fight the world, was brave and good at fighting, loyal and resourceful, and made immortal contributions to the establishment and defense of the eastern han dynasty. API tong loved medicine very much and was supported by the army and the people. He was buried outside the south gate of qi zhou.There is a myth and legend about the origin of the temple. Legend has it that the king of song and qin suffered from illness and was sick for a long time. API tong emerged and was cured. The king of song and qin asked him his name and told him that "the people outside the south gate of qi prefecture were also living there". In the first year of jianzhong yasukuni in the northern song dynasty (1101 AD), he was restored to API tong as a governor and later turned into a duke. In the sixth year of xianchun in the southern song dynasty (1270 AD), he was added as "king zhao hui xian of the Ming dynasty". With the emperor's continuous patronage of API tong, the "king of medicine" became more and more important. The establishment of yaowangmiao reflected the API tong left by shi DE a</h3> <h3>关汉卿(1234年前&nbsp;&nbsp;-1300年左右),”汉卿“是字,号已斋(一斋、已斋叟),汉族,解州(今山西省运城)人,[另有籍贯大都(今北京市)&nbsp;&nbsp;和&nbsp;祁州(今河北省安国市)等说。&nbsp;元杂剧奠基人,&nbsp;“元曲四大家”之首,与白朴、马致远、郑光祖并称为“元曲四大家”。逝后葬于伍仁桥镇伍仁村。 以杂剧的成就最大,今知有67部,现存18部,个别作品是否为他所作,无定论,最著名的是《窦娥冤》。关汉卿也写了不少历史剧,如《单刀会》、《单鞭夺槊》、《西蜀梦》等;散曲今存小令40多首、套数10多首。关汉卿塑造的“我是个蒸不烂、煮不熟、捶不匾、炒不爆、响珰珰一粒铜豌豆”(《一枝花 · 不伏老》)的形象也广为人称,被誉为“曲圣”。 Guan Hanqing (1234 —1300), can also be called "Han Qing" or Ji Zhai (YiZhai, Ji Zhaisou), Han nationality, born in Jiezhou (now Yuncheng, Shanxi Province), [other native places: Dadu(now Beijing) and Qizhou (now Anguo City, Hebei Province). The founder of the Yuan Zaju Opera, the first of the "Four Masters of the Yuan Zaju Opera", and Bai Pu, Ma Zhiyuan, and Zheng Guangzu are also known as "Four Masters of the Yuan Zaju Opera." After his death, he was buried in Wuren Village, Wurenqiao Town. &nbsp;The most successful achievements in Zaju. In his 67 works, there are 18 existing ones. Whether the individual works are written by him keeps unknown. The most famous one is "Snow in Midsummer." Guan Hanqing also wrote a number of historical dramas, such as "Single Knife Club", "Single Whiplash", "Xi Yu Meng", etc.; more than 40 Sanqu and 10 poems. Guan Hanqing’s image of “I’m a copper bea who is tough and tensile ” (“One Flower, Not Old”) is also widely praised by people and he's honoured as "Yuanqu-sage". <br></h3> <h3>安国投资310亿打造的“数字中药都”已开始运营,数字中药都是安国中药都建设的核心项目。该项目将把美国纽交所模式运用于中药材交易,以中药(材)现货交易平台为基础,引进国内成熟电子商务、期货交易运营商,定期发布中药材品种目录、价格走势、成交数量等信息,打造中药材电子商务、期货交易综合营销平台。据安国数字中药都有限公司品牌经理韩隽介绍,为实现中医药走向国际化的目标,天士力控股集团有限公司注册成立安国数字中药都有限公司,投入30亿元与安国市共同打造数字中药都,利用现代化的技术、方法、路径,将安国打造成中药产业一体化种植、中药饮片加工、商贸、物流和仓储示范区以及期货交易中心和中药专业金融中心,使中医药逐步走向国际化,形成“世界中药看中国,中国中药看安国”的新格局。 TCM Capital The Digital TCM Capital, the core of Anguo city's program in building the capital of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has started operation following a 31 billion Yuan investment from Anguo. &nbsp;On the model of how New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) operates and based on the spot transactions of TCM and TCM materials, this program invites proven Chinese e-commerce operators and futures traders to build up a comprehensive platform for the e-commerce and futures trading of TCM, where categories, prices, and transaction volumes of TCM materials, prices, and transaction volumes are published regularly. According to Han Jun, the Brand Manager of Anguo Digital TCM Capital Co., Ltd.(ADTC), Tasly Holding Group has registered ADTC and invested 3 billion Yuan, in a joint attempt with Anguo city to build up a digital TCM capital. Taking modern technologies, approaches, and routes, Anguo will morph into an integrated center of TCM planting, TCM processing, trading, logistics, and warehousing, and then grow into an international TCM futures trading center and special TCM financial center. The ultimate layout will be "China defines global TCM, Anguo Defines Chinese TCM".<br></h3> <h3>2018中国安国药材医药保健品交流会 Medicine&nbsp;and&nbsp;Health&nbsp;Products&nbsp;Exchange&nbsp;Conference&nbsp;at&nbsp;Anguo&nbsp;,&nbsp;China<br></h3> <h3>安国市街景 Street&nbsp;View&nbsp;of&nbsp;Anguo<br></h3> <h3>安国市药博园 Chinese&nbsp;Medicine&nbsp;Expo&nbsp;Park&nbsp;of&nbsp;Anguo<br></h3> <h3>安国市植物园 Botanical&nbsp;garden&nbsp;of&nbsp;Anguo<br></h3> <h3>安国市现代中药工业园区 Modern&nbsp;Chinese&nbsp;medicine&nbsp;industrial&nbsp;District&nbsp;of&nbsp;Anguo </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>安国市夜景 Night&nbsp;view&nbsp;of&nbsp;Anguo<br></h3> <h3>国内外友人 &nbsp;Domestic&nbsp;and&nbsp;foreign&nbsp;friends <br></h3> <h3>邀请单位:安国市新东方药业有限责任公司</h3><h3> 网站: www.agxdf.com</h3><h3> 邀请人:肖耀伟 /XYAO YAO WEI</h3><h3> 手机:13903367389 (微信同号)</h3><h3> </h3><h3>2018年9月6日</h3>