

<h3>2015年4月25日上午11时56分,尼泊尔发生里氏7.8级大地震,导致这个国家蒙受巨大损失。目前尼泊尔正设法吸引游客回归,通过旅游促进当地经济复苏,安置人民生活,从而帮助尼泊尔重建经济。尼泊尔虽然受损严重,但是依然保持原有的迷人风貌,引人神往,精彩无限。我们通过旅游和消费,为尼泊尔的重建出一份绵力,也许镜头下和手机里收集到的照片能为正想去尼泊尔旅游的你展示一下它的魅力!</h3> <h3>猴庙,标志性的白色猴庙佛塔既是世界文化遗产,也是尼泊尔最圣神的藏传佛教圣地。它神奇地躲过了2015年的地震大劫。佛塔上面醒目的佛眼仿佛参透世间万物!</h3> <h3>佛塔白色的穹顶和塔尖十分壮观,吸引佛教徒从各地前来朝拜。</h3> <h3>看到双彩虹🌈🌈</h3> <h3>巴德岗杜巴广场,是这个城市主要的广场。它汇集了石雕、木雕、金属雕刻等建筑精品。</h3> <h3>五十五扇窗宫殿</h3> <h3>地震受损的重修并不影响游人</h3> <h3>陶瓷广场</h3> <h3>百废待兴</h3> <h3>从尼泊尔方向欣赏喜马拉雅山脉的雄伟气魄!</h3> <h3>小息山顶百年英式别墅</h3> <h3>笑看风云处,坐看☁云起时。</h3> <h3>安静的费瓦湖</h3> <h3>勤劳的尼泊尔人们</h3> <h3>🇫🇷法国💏💏情侣</h3> <h3>奇特旺自然国家森林公园</h3> <h3>与西班牙女郎同行探险😉</h3> <h3>野生梅花鹿😊</h3> <h3>野生🦏犀牛</h3> <h3>野生🐊鳄鱼</h3> <h3>野生🦏犀牛在民宅家里休息</h3> <h3>作为运输工具的𓃰大象</h3> <h3>美女遇见帅窝😋</h3> <h3>🐂牛群过河</h3> <h3>🐘大象招财</h3> <h3>幸福其实很简单😉</h3> <h3>干树叶也可以是一幅画</h3> <h3>与巴基斯坦🇵🇰德国🇩🇪美女留影</h3> <h3>与帅窝美女留影</h3> <h3>品广州唐生与姚美女下厨的美食</h3> <h3>李魏影像的团队与有缘人留影👍</h3> <h3>尼珀尔印象之旅 Nepal Impression Tour 2018.8.17-8.26 迎朝霞 Welcome the morning sun 奔机场 To the airport 开启愉快之旅 Open a pleasant journey &nbsp; 乘大鸟 Riding a big bird 看蓝天白云 Watching the blue sky and white clouds 世界屋脊 Roof of the world 峰峦叠嶂 Peak overlap 喜马拉雅山脉 Himalayas 傲然寰宇 Proudly the world &nbsp; 2015.4.25震后的尼泊尔 Nepal after the earthquake 大街小巷 Streets and alleys 尘土飞扬 Dusty fly upward 车水马龙 Many cars and people are very busy 重建家园忙不停 rebuild home &nbsp; 观猴庙 Visit the Monkey Temple 神猴少 Little monkey 异国友人多 Many foreign friends 抬头仰望天空 Looking up at the sky 双彩虹显之-尽喜! See the double rainbow show 手机相机咔嚓声不断 Mobile phones and cameras are constantly taking pictures 晚霞相伴 Sunset glow 静观美景 Quiet view<br></h3><h3>坑坑洼洼的路途中</h3><h3>On the muddy road</h3><h3>谈趣事</h3><h3>Talking about interesting things</h3><h3>传笑声</h3><h3>Laughter constantly</h3><h3>暂宿百年英式别墅</h3><h3>Overnight at a century-old English villa</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>红云初吐</h3><h3>Red clouds just appeared</h3><h3>喜出窗外</h3><h3>Hi out the </h3><h3>云海伴足</h3><h3>Sea of clouds at the feet</h3><h3>时而热情奔放</h3><h3>Timely and passionate</h3><h3>时而炊烟袅袅</h3><h3>Sometimes like smoke</h3><h3>正是“笑看风云处,坐看云起时”</h3><h3>Its just “laughing at the clouds, sitting and watching the clouds”</h3><h3>幸福美梦在人间</h3><h3>Happy dreams in the world</h3><h3>柏油路上赏风景 Seeing scenery on asphalt road 一路一带心舒坦 Have a good time all the way 大自然风光在眼前 Nature is in front of you &nbsp; 晨曦初露 The sun just came out 和风拂舜 The wind has blown 阵阵草香入来 A scent of grass 野花小草白牛小狗小鸡小鸭悠闲漫步 Wildflower grass white cow puppy chick duckling leisurely stroll 好一幅田园景象 A good pastoral scene &nbsp; 泥瓦房中 Mud house 勤奋小孩 Diligent child 读书写字 Reading and writing 旧椅当书桌 Old chair as desk 阳光为灯火 Sunlight is a light 小手冒汗仍在书写 Little hand sweating is still writing 天真烂漫小孩 Innocent child 摆姿态迎远客 Posing to welcome guests 温馨画面尽收镜头里 Warm picture in the lens &nbsp;徒步初探险<br></h3><h3>Early adventure on foot</h3><h3>踏虎迹</h3><h3>Walking on the footprints of the tiger</h3><h3>寻犀牛</h3><h3>Looking for rhinoceros</h3><h3>觅大象</h3><h3>Looking for an elephant</h3><h3>小狗喜追随</h3><h3>Puppy likes to follow</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>坐吉普再进森林中</h3><h3>Take the Jeep and go into the forest again.</h3><h3>冒倾盆大雨</h3><h3>It was raining heavily</h3><h3>颠簸前行着</h3><h3>Bumpy ahead</h3><h3>静观小马、麋鹿</h3><h3>Watching pony and elk quietly</h3><h3>休眠鳄鱼、优雅孔雀</h3><h3>Sleeping crocodile, elegant peacock</h3><h3>大象跳舞、水牛过河</h3><h3>Elephant dancing, buffalo crossing the river</h3><h3>大自然的动物世界尽收眼底</h3><h3>The animal world of nature has a panoramic view</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>阳光总在风雨后</h3><h3>After the storm, it is sunshine</h3><h3>火焰落霞</h3><h3>Flame falling</h3><h3>弥漫天空</h3><h3>Diffuse the sky</h3><h3>幸福的回忆充满在你我心中!</h3><h3>Happy memories are filled with you and me!</h3>