

<h3><font color="#010101">  亲爱的家长们,我们翘首期盼的宝安区最尊贵的幼儿园终于横空出世了,他就是前海帝梵国际幼儿园,请原谅我们的姗姗来迟,现在让我们一起来揭开它神秘的面纱吧!</font></h3><h3 style="text-align: left;"><font color="#010101"> Dear parents, the most prestigious kindergarten in Bao'an District , Deepfun International Kindergarten that everyone awaits is finally founded. We sincerely apologized for the delay. Thanks for your patience. Now let's unveil its mystery. </font></h3> <h3>  尊贵的她位于深圳市宝安区海城路259号(坪洲新村一期),是香港蒙氏教育集团的旗舰园,开设15个班级,占地面积6800平方米,户外活动场地2000平方米。幼儿园所处位置安全宁静,非常适合幼儿生活。配备标准跑道、儿童木工坊、养植区、泳池、DIY厨房、科学发现室、绘本馆、美术馆等一应俱全。</h3><h3> It is located at No. 259, Haicheng Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen city. This is a flagship kindergarten under the Hong Kong Mengshi Education Group. It covers an area of 6,800 square meters and outdoor area of 2000 square meters. It offers 15 classes and has ample playground for outdoor activities. The kindergarten is fully equipped with standard runway, sand pool, swimming pool, planting &amp; breeding areas and carpentry workshop. Further more , Multi-functional theater, dance hall, library , art gallery, DIY kitchen, scientific discovery room and other facilities are all available ,which will definitely enhance children’s potential up to next level .</h3> <h3>我们的课程</h3><h3>Four main courses</h3> <h3>IB国际课程</h3><h3>IB International Course</h3><div> 六大跨学课探究主题为孩子提供探索未知世界的框架培养孩子完整人格的十种特质,通过真实情景教学,让课程回归生活。</div><div> The 6 intercourse theme is to provide children with a framework for exploring the unknown world to cultivate the ten characteristics of the child's complete personality, and to let the curriculum return to life through real situation teaching.</div> <h3>蒙特梭利混龄课程</h3><h3>Montessori mixed age course</h3><h3> 以蒙特梭利的教育理论为核心,组成班级混龄学习社区,透过有准备的环境帮助儿童自我建构。</h3><div> Taking Montessori's educational theory as the core, forming mixed-age learning community is to help children construct themselves through well-prepared environment.</div> <h3>  浸入式英语课程</h3><h3>Immersion English Course</h3><h3> 每班配备一名外籍教师,外籍教师全日制带班,将英语元素融入一日生活,让孩子轻松、快乐地习得英语。</h3><div> Each class is equipped with a foreign teacher. The foreign teacher creates &nbsp;English environment in all activities for the whole day so that children can acquire English easily and happily .</div> <h3>师资配备</h3><h3>Teacher Allocation</h3><div> 幼儿园教师全部为学前教育大专以上学历,五年以上教龄,每班配备中外籍双主教,班级师生比例1:5。 </div><div> All kindergarten teachers are college degree and above who major in preschool education with more than five years teaching experience. Each class is equipped &nbsp;&nbsp;2 main teachers &nbsp;(1 foreign national , 1 Chinese national ) .&nbsp; Teacher –student ratio is 1:5 .</div><div>&nbsp;</div> <h3>幼儿园美食</h3><h3>Kindergarten Delicious Food </h3><h3> 由特聘营养师,定制的堪比五星级酒店的营养餐。</h3><div> The recipe is designed &nbsp;by the nutritionist, the nutritious meal &nbsp;can be comparable to the food of the five -star hotel. </div> <h3>  为了更好的服务于家长与幼儿,我园本学期开放50位尊贵学位,家长朋友们,拿起你们的电话赶紧预定学位吧!</h3><h3> In order to serve parents and young children better , &nbsp;only 50 valuable &nbsp;slots for this coming semester are available .Dear parents and friends, &nbsp;please call us for the reservation quickly .</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center; ">前海帝梵国际幼儿园</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Qianhai &nbsp;Deepfun &nbsp;International Kindergarten</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">深圳市宝安区海城路259号(坪洲新村)Address:&nbsp; NO.259 &nbsp;Haicheng Road, Bao’an District, Shenzhen City &nbsp;(Ping Zhou New Village)</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">优质学位等您来!</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Quality slots are waiting for you here</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">报名热线:</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Registration Hotline:</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">0755-29922258</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">18189891609</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">记得按长按二维码关注我们哦!</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Please remember to long press the QR code for linking us .</h3>









