通外达变,洽博多闻——新加坡成康中学莅临我校参观交流。Chengkang Middle School pays a visit to our school


<h3><font color="#010101">5月24日,在这个凤凰花开,芒果飘香的夏日午后,文昌中学的老朋友——新加坡海南商会会长陈学汉先生,带着新加坡成康中学四十多名中三的学生和老师,前来我校交流参观。On the sunny afternoon of May 24th, when the campus was filled with the fragrant scent of Delonix Regia flowers and mangoes, our old pal, Mr. Chen Xuehan, president of the Singapore Hainan Business Club, accompanied by more than 40 junior 3 students and teachers from Chengkang Middle School (Singapore), paid a visit to our school.</font></h3> <h3>我校潘正怀校长热情地接待了来自新加坡成康中学的师生们。</h3><h3>Mr. Pan Zhenghuai, principal of Wen Chang Middle School, welcomed the visiting guests from Singapore.</h3> <h3>我校对外交流中心副主任陈文强老师带领一行人欢聚第二课堂基地。</h3><h3>Ms. Chen Wenqiang, assistant director of the International Exchange Center of our school, was leading our guests to the Secondary Curriculum Base of our school, where the members of our English Club were awaiting them and a brief reception ceremony would be held.</h3> <h3>文强老师代表学校对来宾的到来表示热烈地欢迎,之后大家一起观看我校2017年学校宣传片。</h3><h3>Ms. Chen, on behalf of our school, addressed the visiting guests and gave them a warm welcome. Then, all the students and teachers present watched the propaganda film which introduced the development of our school.</h3> <h3>宣传片观看结束后,我校英语俱乐部的五十多名成员,尽东道主之谊,带着成康中学的同学们参观美丽的文中校园。</h3><div>一路上,同学们有说有笑,校园各处建筑纷纷呈现在来客的面前。</div><div>两校学生肩并肩游览校园的景象,散落在文中校园的各个角落!</div><div>After watching the film, students from our English Club showed the visiting students around our fantastic campus. While walking around the campus, our students introduced every building in the campus with great enthusiasm and all the way, laughter could be heard now and then.The scenes of students from both schools walking side by side could be seen throughout the campus.</div><div><br></div> <h3>芒果树下,等风来……</h3><h3>Students walked through the Mango Avenue.</h3> <h3>游览尚书廊!</h3><h3>Students wandered in Shangshulang, a place where students can enjoy reading after class.</h3> <h3>看!那里的文化墙很有趣!</h3><h3>Look! The Cultural Bulletin Board seems quite interesting.</h3> <h3>在学生们参观校园的时候,潘校长在黄守江二楼会议室接待了陈会长以及成康中学的许校长和老师们。</h3><h3>Principal Pan met with Mr. Chen Xuehan and the teachers from Singapore in the meeting room.</h3> <h3>互赠礼品,愿友谊长青。</h3><h3>the exchange of gifts for the sake of friendship.</h3> <h3>合影留念。</h3><h3>Photo was taken to mark this communication activity.</h3> <h3>欢乐的时光总是那么短暂,一个小时的时间才一眨眼的功夫就过去了。成康中学的同学们被带到张光嶷科学馆前集合,等待乘车!文昌电视台的记者对成康中学的一名学生进行了采访。</h3><div>How time flew! It was time to say goodbye. Students from Singapore gathered in front of the Science Building, waiting for the bus. Reporters from Wenchang TV Station interviewed one of the students from Singapore, who expressed her satisfaction with the visit.</div> <h3>  发车前,俱乐部的同学们与成康中学的同学们三五成群地聚在一起,时不时传来几声笑声,更有一些在拍照留念。</h3><h3> 分别的时间到了!成康中学的同学们上了车,在俱乐部同学们的‘’再见‘’声中,车子缓缓离去。</h3><h3> Before saying goodbye, some students were still immersed in talking with their counterparts and burst into laughter every now and then. Meanwhile, Some were busy taking photos with their newly-made friends. After lots of "Goodbye", the visiting guests got on the bus and left our school.</h3> <h3>新闻稿:陈文强、林韵桦</h3><h3>英文:夏洪武</h3>









