

<h3>摄影:党小成</h3><div>手机:13991043209</div><h3>微信:同手机号</h3><h3>Q Q:493003599</h3> <h1>  武功古城位于关中平原腹地,这里是周人始祖后稷教民稼穑之地,是大汉忠臣苏武的故里,也是唐太宗李世民的诞生地。儒学思想和礼乐文化的熏陶造就了武功古城淳朴清新的民风民俗。</h1><h1> The Ancient Town of Wugong is located in the middle of the Central Shaanxi Plain. It was in this town that Hou Ji who was the ancestor of the Zhou tribe taught farming, and it was the hometown of Su Wu who was a famous loyal official in the Han Dynasty, and it was also the birthplace of Li Shi-min who was the greatest emperor in the Tang Dynasty. Confucianism and rites music culture have influenced the local people and formed simple and pure folk customs.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><font style="">《 </font><font color="#ed2308" style="font-weight: bold;">武功八景</font> 》</h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>姜嫄古墓小华山,教稼台封后稷官;</b></h1><h1></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>苏武节碑龙门传,上阁钟声响九天;</b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>客山晚照晒书卷,东桥水波花柳显;</b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>二水塔影两河湾,报本胡燕更奇观。</b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#b04fbb">The Eight Scenes in Wugong</font></b></h1><h1>Jiang Yuan ancient tomb beside Little Mount Hua,</h1><h1>At the Platform For Teaching Farming Hou Ji conferred.</h1><h1>The Monument for Su Wu's moral courage in Longmen Village,</h1><h1>The melodious bell ring in Shangge Temple is like the music from the highest heavens.</h1><h3></h3><h1>The sunset in Mount Ke dried wet books, </h1><h3></h3><h1>Willow trees and flowers reflect in the </h1><h1>ripples under the East Brigde.</h1><h1>Ershui Tower reflected in the water bay where Rivers Qishui and Moyu meet,</h1><h1>Big swallows flying above Baoben Pagoda makes a beautiful scenery. </h1> <h1>  这首古城人传唱了千百年的武功八景诗已是家喻户晓。</h1><h1> This famous poem is very popular in the Ancient Town of Wugong and it has been chanted from generation to generation for thousands of years.</h1> <h3></h3><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b style=""><font color="#ed2308">介绍分五个部分:</font></b></h1><h1> <b><font color="#b04fbb"> 1,名胜古迹。</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#b04fbb"> 2,民俗活动。</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#b04fbb"> 3,名人圣贤。</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#b04fbb"> 4,特色美食。</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#b04fbb"> 5,发展规划。</font></b></h1><h1> <font color="#ed2308">Our introduction includes 5 parts:</font></h1><h1> <font color="#b04fbb"> 1, Historic and scenic sites.</font></h1><h1><font color="#b04fbb"> 2,Activities of folk customs. </font></h1><h1><font color="#b04fbb"> 3,Famous sages.</font></h1><h1><font color="#b04fbb"> 4,Special local foods.</font></h1><h1><font color="#b04fbb"> 5,Development projects.</font></h1> <h1>  我们对古城的介绍就从这首武功八景诗开始。</h1><h1> Our introduction for Wugong Ancient Town will begin with this poem.</h1><h3></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>一,<font color="#ed2308">名胜古迹</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">Historic and scenic sites<b><br></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>1,<font color="#b04fbb">姜嫄古墓</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">The Ancient Tomb of Jiang Yuan</h1><h3></h3> <h1>  姜嫄古墓位于武功古城南小华山上, 《 武功县志》载:“姜嫄墓在南门外,南去360步,又西40步,墓在坎上,与东塬梅家庄通。” 1990 年被陕西省政府公布为重点文物保护单位。</h1><h1> Jiangyuan Ancient Tomb is located on the top of Little Mount Hua south of Wugong Ancient Town. According to Wugong County Annals, “Jiangyuan Tomb lies 360 paces outside of the south gate of Wugong Town, then 40 paces away on a western hill which is connected with Village Meijia on the eastern plain.” In 1990 Jiangyuan Ancient Tomb was declared as a provincial level key cultural relic protection unit by Shaanxi Provincial Government.</h1><h3></h3> <h1>  据《史记》载,姜嫄为帝喾元妃,履巨人之足迹而生后稷,母以子贵,世人尊称姜嫄为圣母。<br>  It was written in Shi Ji《Historical Records 》that Jiang Yuan was Emperor Ku's first wife about 3000 years ago. According to legend, she once stepped on a footprint of a gaint man and after that she gave birth to Hou Ji. In ancient times she was respected as Saint Mother because of her son Hou Ji.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#b04fbb">小华山</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;">Little Mount Hua</h1> <h1>  小华山位于武功古城南门外西侧,南依潺潺湋河,东临滔滔漆水,远对巍巍太白高峰,山清水秀,地势崎岖,古柏森蔚,自古就是一块风水宝地。<br>  Little Mount Hua is located in the west outside of the south gate of Wugong Ancient Town,south of which is the Wei River, east is the Qishui River, and facing the beautiful peak of the Mountain Taibai in the distance. Green mountains and clear water, it is a good place in geomantic omen since ancient times.</h1><h1> 小华山曾异名“葆贞庵”。据传葆贞庵原是圣母姜嫄修身之处。县志记载,此处为宋代理学家张载讲学之“绿野亭”遗址。又因圣母姜嫄墓位于其之巅而闻名于关中大地。</h1><h1> Little Mount Hua was once called Baozhen Temple, where Jiang Yuan cultivated herself. According to the county annals,it is the relics of Lvye Pavilion where Zhang Zai once taught. Little Mount Hua is also famous for Jiangyuan Ancient Tomb being on the top of it.</h1> <h1>  每年农历二月十五,小华山庙会时的场景。</h1><h1>  The scene of the temple fair in Little Mount Hua on February 15th of the Chinese lunar calendar every year.</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1759d50q?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:小华山庙会</a><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>2,<font color="#b04fbb">教稼台封后稷官</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">The Ancient Platform for Teaching Farming</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  教稼台为关中四大名台之首,位于武功古城东门外漆水之滨。相传这里是中国农业始祖后稷教民稼穑之地。</h1><h1> The Platform for Teaching Farming which is the first one of the four platforms in the Central Shaanxi Plain, is located on the bank of the Qishui River outside the east gate of Wugong Ancient Town. It was at this place that Hou Ji, who was the first agricultural ancestor, taught farming.</h1> <h1>  民以食为天,食必讲研农耕。今日,观拜农耕文化的先祖圣贤后稷,唯祈福风调雨顺,五谷丰登。</h1><h1> People regard food as their prime want and having food, we must study farming. Nowadays visiting and worshiping Hou Ji, the first and saint ancestor of traditional farming culture, means praying for favourable weather and abundant harvest for all crops.</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/ar92j7y?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:后稷和教稼台</a><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>3,<font color="#b04fbb">苏武节碑龙门传</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">The Monuments for Su Wu's moral courage in Longmen Village</h1> <h1>  “苏武节碑”,指的是竖立在苏武墓前很多赞颂苏武持节忠烈爱国精神的石碑。</h1><h1> The Monuments for Su Wu's Moral Courage refers to the monuments standing in front of the tomb, which extoll Su Wu for his sticking to morality, being loyal and patriotic spirits.</h1><h1>  苏武墓位于武功古城北二里之龙门村,为中华民族最具代表性的爱国主义典范。</h1><h1> The Tomb of Su Wu is located in Longmen Village about two li north of Wugong Ancient Town. Su Wu is the leading example of patriotic spirits.</h1><h3></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/21oq6d8c?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 苏武精神是什么?</a><br></h3> <h1>  苏武节烈爱国精神,已经成为我们中华民族节烈爱国的伟大魂魄!正如一首诗所写:“一堆黄土埋忠骨,千载青石照后人。鸿雁传书天地敬,爱国苏武中华魂!”</h1><h3></h3><h1> Su Wu's loyal and patriotic spirits have become the soul of the Chinese nation, just as a poem reads:</h1><h1>A&nbsp;pile&nbsp;of&nbsp;loess&nbsp;buried&nbsp;loyal&nbsp;bones,</h1><h1>His good example is like the blue stone monuments to lead future generations forever.</h1><h1>Both God and people respect the swan goose for its delievering letters,</h1><h1>Su Wu's patriotic spirits is the soul of the Chinese nation.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>4,<font color="#b04fbb">上阁钟声响九天</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">The melodious bell ring in Shangge Temple is like the music from the highest heavens<br></h1> <h3></h3><h1>  相传旧时上阁寺的古柏高大茂密,每当走到离武功古城还有二三十里的地方,就能看到古柏林荫,十分壮观。苍松翠柏环抱一玲珑钟楼,长年由两位道士日夜守更,按时辰鸣钟报时。</h1><h1> It was said that Shangge Temple was covered with lots of tall thick pine and cypress trees. When you were about 30 li away from this town, you could see the thick green woods and a very large bell. Two taoists struck the bell to toll the hour all the year round.</h1> <h1>  每当悠扬的钟声凌空而至,人们仿佛听到了九霄的乐曲,诗:“上阁鸣钟闻九天,疑是瑶池会群仙” 。</h1><h1> When the bell rang, people could hear the sound as if it were the music from the highest heavens. One poem reads: </h1><h1>The melodious bell ring in Shangge Temple, </h1><h1>Just like the wonderful music played by groups of Gods at Yaochi.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>5,<font color="#b04fbb">客山晚照晒书卷</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">The sunset in Mount Ke dried wet </h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">books</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  古城东南五里高庙山腰,隋朝末年,这里有一所私塾,教书的先生是宇文客山,儿时的李世民在此私塾上学。</h1><h1> About 5 li southeast of Wugong Ancient Town lied a private primary school during the end of the Sui Dynasty. A teacher named Yuwen Ke-shan worked in it. Emperor Li Shi-min studied here.</h1> <h1>  有一年夏日,雨后漆水河涨水,小桥被冲垮,李世民傍晚放学回家,蹚水过河时,湿了书包。<br></h1><h1> One summer after a heavy rain the water rose quickly in Qishui River and the small bridge over the river was rushed away. After school it was at dusk, but Emperor Li had to walk across the river to go home. When walking in the river, his school bag was wetted.</h1><h1> 小世民过了河,取出书一看,书本湿了,他把书铺在河边的大石头上晒。这时太阳已经落了山,小世民很气愤,大声喊叫:“太阳回来!太阳回来!”谁知,太阳光果真反射回来,斜斜地照在书上。更神奇的是,晚风吹拂,书晒干一页,风吹起一页,须臾,书本全干了,夜幕也徐徐降临了。</h1><h1> On the river bank Emperor Li took out all the wet books and put them on a big stone to dry them, but the sun set. So Emperor Li was angary and shouted,“Come back! The sun! Come back! The sun!”</h1><h1> Nobody knew why the sunshine suddenly reflected on the wet books. One page of the wet books was turned over by the evening wind and then another one. After a while all the wet books were gradually dried.</h1><h1> 这种现象,不知是自然界的诡异,还是神鬼的主宰。千百年来,一直被人们所乐道:“客山晚照晒书卷,天地鬼神怕帝王。”</h1><h1> This phenomenon was so strange that people thought it might be done by God. For thousands of years people often say, “The sunset dried the wet books. God and goasts are afraid of Emperor Li!”</h1><h3></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>6,<font color="#b04fbb">东桥水波花柳显</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">Willow trees and flowers appear in the </h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">ripples under the East Brigde.</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  据史料记载,漆水河引桥上的古柳树是清代左宗棠出征戍边经过这里时,令士兵栽植的。每逢春暖花开,人们常常在桥畔逗留,看山、观水、赏柳,所以就有了“东桥水波花柳显”的诗句。</h1><h1> According to historical records,the old willow trees were planted by Zuo Zong-tang's army in the Qing Dynasty, and at that time they were going through Wugong to fight and defend the borderland. In spring people will go to the East Brigde to watch landscapes ,see the river and enjoy the beautiful weeping willows, as the poem says,“The East Brigde and weeping willows appear in the ripples. ”</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  东桥为古丝绸之路经漆水河之古桥。漆水河是周民族繁衍生息的摇篮之一,先民以河两岸而居,垂柳成荫,水清见底,鱼游其中。</h1><h1> The East Brigde refers to a stone brigde over the Qishui River on the old Silk Road. The Qishui River is one of the cradles where the Zhou tribe breeds and grows for thousands of years, whose ancestors live along the Qishui River , on both banks of which are thick tall willows in line, and the water is so clean that the river bottom can be clearly seen, with all kinds of fish swimming in it.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 20px; text-align: center;"><b> 7,<font color="#b04fbb">二水塔影两河湾</font></b></span></h1><h1 style="text-align: left; "><span style="font-size: 20px; text-align: center;"> Ershui Tower reflected in the bay where the Qishui River and the Moyu River meet.</span></h1> <h3></h3><h1>  二水寺塔位于漆水河与漠峪河道交汇之塬顶上。“风水古来住、水明塔形秀”塔为七级八面,玲珑清秀,影映漆水与漠峪河交汇水域,可谓独特之景观。</h1><h1> Ershui Temple Tower was located on the top of the tableland near which Qishui River and Moyu River meet. The tower has seven&nbsp;stages&nbsp;and&nbsp;eight&nbsp;sides, which looks exquisite and beautiful. When the weather is fine, the tower body will clearly reflect in the water where two rivers meet, which makes a very special and wonderful scenery. </h1> <h3></h3><h1>  明万历三十一年(1603年),我县游风乡游风村的张汲(张鍊的孙子)请命于县府,号召群众集资在此修了一座砖塔,此塔为楼阁式七级八面,高约30米。</h1><h1> In 1603, during the Ming Dynasty, a villager Zhang Ji who was in Youfeng Town asked the county government for a permission to raise money among people to build a brick tower here about 30 meters high. </h1><h1> 修建此塔说法一,武功县多年来人才辈出,文章盖世,唐有苏魂、苏颋,宋有游师雄父子,明代状元康海、张镈、张鍊进士及弟,无不绽放着耀眼的光芒。后人为了祭祀文昌帝君,彰显武功文才鼎盛,于是在两河交汇口的塬顶上修建了一座形似毛笔的砖塔,远远望去,塔如一枝巨笔直指云天,十分壮观。</h1><h1> About why to build this tower, it was said that great talents were continuously appearing in Wugong for many years, such as Su Hun and Su Yan in the Tang Dynasty, You Shi-xiong and his son in the Song Dynasty, Kang Hai, Zhang Bo and Zhang Jian in the Ming Dynasty, all were famous and made great achievements. In order to say thanks to God Wen Chang and celebrate the period of great prosperity in literature and talents of Wugong County, a brick tower which looks like a brush pen was built, and in the distance the tower seems to be a very large brush pen stinging to the sky magnificently.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>8,<font color="#b04fbb">报本胡燕更奇观</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">Big swallows flying above Baoben Pagoda makes a beautiful scenery </h1><h3></h3><h3></h3> <h1>  隋朝末年,李渊在古城北关置有旧宅,李世民在这里生长了十五年。李世民登基之后,为报答母亲李窦氏养育之大恩,舍此旧宅为寺,之后又在寺中筑高塔,塔随寺名,即称报本塔。</h1><h1> During the end of Sui Dynasty, Li Yuan, the father of Li Shi-min, owned a house outside the north gate of Wugong Ancient Town. It was in this house that Li Shi-min lived for 15 years. After Li Shi-min became Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, in order to repay his mother's love and care, Emperor Li Shi-min donated this house to the Buddha as a temple named Baoben, and then in it built a pagoda after the temple name.</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  每当旭日东升,晨风吹拂,塔身小铜钟叮叮当当作响,似乎敬告世人莫忘报答为人根本,因此古有“报本晨钟鸣孝道”的警句。</h1><h1> When the sun rises in the morning, many small bells hung on the body of the pagoda will ring clearly in the morning wind. The bell ring seems to warn people not to forget to repay parents' love and care. So there is an old saying, “The bell on the Baoben Pagoda rings filial piety!”</h1> <h1>  塔势雄伟,高耸云空,每逢春季,总会飞来一群胡燕嬉戏于塔顶周围,视为奇观,人称“胡燕朝塔”。</h1><h1> This pagoda is majestic and tall. In spring, a lot of big swallows will fly around the top of the pagoda, which makes a wonderful sight and peole say, “Swallows are worshiping the pagoda!”</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/12bloscp?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:报本塔重修记</a><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>二,<font color="#ed2308">民俗活动</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">1,<b><font color="#b04fbb">上阁寺登高游百病</font></b>〔农历正月十六〕</h1><h1>Visiting The Shangge Temple and Traveling on the hills to rid sicknesses 〔January 16th in lunar Chinese calendar〕</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/14slrk3t?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:上阁寺登高游百病</a><br></h3><h1></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">2<b>,<font color="#b04fbb">关公文化节</font></b>〔农历4月初八〕</h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">The Guan Gong Cultural Festival 〔April 8th in lunar Chinese calendar〕</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1bydgcjp?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:关公文化节</a><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">3,<b><font color="#b04fbb">城隍庙民俗文化节</font></b>〔农历六月初一〕</h1><h1 style="text-align: left;">The Town God's Folk Cultural Festival 〔June 1st in lunar Chinese calendar〕</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1gc2yagm?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:六月初一城隍庙会</a><br></h3><h1 style="text-align: center; "><br></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">4,<b><font color="#b04fbb">后稷文化节</font></b>〔农历十一月初七〕</h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>Hou Ji Cultural Festival〔</b>November 7th in Chinese lunar calendar<b>〕</b></h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/100y0t8b?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:2017河滩会</a><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">5,<b><font color="#b04fbb">腊八节</font></b>〔农历腊月初八〕</h1><h1> The Laba Rice Porridge Festival 〔December 8th in lunar Chinese calendar〕</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/121br4aj?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:腊 八 节</a><br></h3><h3></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>三,<font color="#ed2308">名人圣贤</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><font color="#010101">Famous sages</font></h1> <h3></h3><h1 style="text-align: center; ">  1,<b><font color="#b04fbb">李世民</font></b> (598~649)</h1><h1> 大唐太宗,一代明君。隋开皇十八年十ニ月降生武功庆善官,系李渊次子。其母为太穆皇后。少年时,读书于客稷二山,习武于漆水河畔。登基称帝后,以其文治武功,开启贞观盛世。曾数回故里,体察民情,访问农人;赈灾免税,厚赐弧疾;欢宴故老,忆旧叙情;建慈德寺于生身地,该旧住宅为报本寺。感怀母恩,倡导孝道,引领世风,教化民众。</h1><h3></h3><h1> Li Shi-min was the greatest emperor in the Tang Dynasty, a wise monarch, who was Li Yuan's second son and was born in Qingshan Palace in Wugong Ancient Town in December in the 18th year of the Sui Dynasty.</h1><h1> During his childhood he was educated in the schools between Mounts Ke and Ji, and studied martial arts on the bank of the Qishui River.</h1><h1> When he became the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he started a peaceful and flourishing age called Zhenguan by his political and military power.</h1><h1> During his reign he came back to Wugong for several times, and often visited ordinary farmers showing sympathy to their needs. He enacted policies to relieve the people in disaster areas, relief their tax and help the sick and childless old people. When he came back, he often held banquets to treat his childhood fellows and local people and talked about the days they spent together in Wugong Ancient Town. Meanwhile Cide Temple was built at his birthplace, where Baoben Pagoda was later built to repay his mother's love and care. By doing like this he set a good example for people and advocated the culture of filial piet at that time.</h1> <h3></h3><h1 style="text-align: center; ">2,<b><font color="#b04fbb">张 载</font></b> ( 1020~1077 )</h1><h1> 宋代眉县横渠镇人,字子厚,世称横渠先生,理学创始人之一。因讲学关中故称其学派为关学,他提出了诸多学说,尤以“张载四句“名世。</h1><h1> Zhang Zai, a confusionist from Mei County in Shaanxi province in the Song Dynasty, also named Zhang Zi-hou, and people often call him Mr Heng-qu, who was one of the scholars to found the rationalistic Confucian philosophy.His philosophy school was called Guanxue because of in the Central Shaanxi Plain and he put forward many theories in which the “Four For” is the most famous.</h1><h1> 熙宁元年,应武功主薄张山甫邀请,讲学于小华山绿野亭。"从学者甚众。明弘治八年,武功知县宋学通将绿野亭与保貞庵互易其址,于次年建成绿野书院,关中学子“闻风踵至“,自此武功兴学重教之风赓盛。</h1><h3></h3><h1> In the first year of Xining, Zhang Zai was invited to give lectures at Lvye Pavilion in Little Mount Hua by Zhang San-pu, magistrate of Wugong County, and many students came to attend and study.</h1><h1> In the 8th year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty, Song Xue-tong, magistrate of Wugong County, changed the place of Lvye Pavilion with Baozhen Temple, and then Lvye Academy was founded, and from then on education in Wugong county was paid more attention and many a student came to learn from Zhang Zai.</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/kd5a9od?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:张载和关学思想〔下〕</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/kcnc1g0?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:张载和横渠书院〔上〕</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/kd4k4kp?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:张载和张载祠〔中〕</a><br></h3> <h1>  张载的“四为”名句。</h1><h1> Zhang Zai's famous words“four for”.   <b><font color="#ed2308">为天地立心,</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308"> 为生民立命,   为往圣继绝学,   为万世开太平。</font></b></h1><h1>To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth</h1><h1>To secure life and fortune for the people</h1><h1>To continue lost teachings for past sages</h1><h1>To establish peace for all future generations<br></h1> <h3></h3><h1 style="text-align: center; ">3,<b><font color="#b04fbb">康 海</font></b> (1475-1540)</h1><h1> 著名剧作家、文学家、志书家,名徳涵,号对山、浒西庄人、沜东渔父。少时聪颖,才思敏捷,多有趣传。明弘治十五年得中状元,任职翰林院修撰兼经延讲官、倡导文必秦汉、诗必唐宋,誉列“前七子”。</h1><h1> Kang Hai, a famous playwright, literateur,writer for annals, was also named Kang De-han whose neckname was Dui Shan. His house was in Huxi Village south of Wugong Town. And his family lived on fishing. In his teens, he was so clever that a lot of stories about his wisdom were spread. In the 15th year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty, he successfully passed the Imperial Examination and won the top. Then he was offered an official position in Hanlin Academy. He often advocated that writing articles should learn from the ones in Dynasties Qin and Han, poems from the ones in Dynasties Tang and Song. At that time he was one of the famous First Seven Scholars.</h1><h1> 因刘瑾案蒙冤,归乡主盟艺苑,开启秦腔正声,创立眉户剧种,设计戏剧脸谱。著有大量诗文、剧本、散曲名世作品,其《武功县志》典范古今。</h1><h1> He was done wrong in Liu Jin's case and came back home in Wugong Town. From then on he and his friends spent lots of time in studying dramas, and it was he who founded the Qin Opera and the Mei Opera and made opera masks. In his life he wrote many articles, poems, opera plays and opera music, and Wugong County Annals written by him was the most famous both in ancient and modern times.</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/ksfzai7?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:康状元的戏剧人生</a><br></h3> <h3></h3><h1 style="text-align: center; ">4,<b><font color="#b04fbb">苏 蕙</font></b> (约357-?)</h1><h1> 前秦武功县人,字若兰,誉列“魏晋三大才女",十六岁嫁与秦州刺史窦滔为妻。婚后,窦滔出任安南将军,苏蕙不肯同行。久断音讯。苏蕙自伤。遂选锦八寸彩线五色,刺绣成回文诗《璇玑图》,窦滔得而动情,遣返赵姬,迎回发妻。《璇玑图》仅以841言,顺逆横斜皆可成诗,历代文人争相赏析,现已解读得诗7958首。</h1><h3></h3><h1> Su Hui, also named Su Ruo-lan, lived in Wugong County in the Former Qin Dynasty, one of the three famous talent girls in Dynasties Wei and Jin. At the age of 16 she married Dou Tao who was governor of Qinzhou. After her marriage Dou Tao was appointed general commander of Annan District while Su Hui did not like to go there with him. Separation and no letters from her husband for a long time, Su Hui gradually felt sad, so she chose a piece of silk cloth 8 inches wide and some five-colour threads to embroider poems called Xuanji Map, Dou Tao was moved when he received it. Dou Tao left Zhao Ji and came back to Su Hui.</h1><h1> Xuanji Map is made up of 841 words but we can make different poems when we read in any direction of a sentence. For many dynasties a lot of scholars have studied this miraculous map and 7958 poems have been read out.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b style=""><font color="#010101">四</font><font color="#010101">,</font><font color="#ed2308">特色</font><font color="#ed2308">美食</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><font color="#010101" style="">Special local foods</font></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">1,</font><font color="#b04fbb">旗花面</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><font color="#010101" style="">Qihua Noodles</font></h1> <h3></h3><h1>  相传明孝宗正宫娘娘得了一场怪病,茶饭不思,形容枯槁,众太医束手无策。孝宗急切,昭告天下,谋求良方。</h1><h1> According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty Emperor Xiao Zong's wife got such a strange illness that she looked very thin and didn't want to eat any food. At that time all the imperial physicians had no methods to treat her illness. Meanwhile Emperor Xiao Zong was so anxious that he ordered an imperial edict to look for a good effective treatment all over the country.</h1><h1> 有一孝子名张味,与八十老母相依为命。母年迈,体弱多病,口无粒齿。孝子遂精心烹调一味酸汤面,面少汤宽,面软汤煎,味酸汤清,以鸡丝、黄花、蛋花、笋丝、葱花、海带作辅料,克食消滞,母食之,颐养天年。</h1><h1> A filial son named Zhang Wei lived with his 80-year-old mother who had few teeth because of getting illnesses and being weak. So Zhang Wei often cooked a kind of vinegar soup noodles for his old mother. In a bowl there are fewer soft noodles but much more thin soup. And in the soup are put a little of shreds of chicken, day lily buds, egg pie, bamboo shoots, chopped spring onions, boiled kelp and spices. This kind of noodles is not only delicous but also easy to digest for the old and weak.</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  张味知道娘娘多食山珍海味,营养过剩所致,便持此面进奉皇宫。娘娘嗅之口舌生津,一筷一碗,久病自愈,皇帝目睹,喜不自胜,不仅重赏张味更把旗花面列入宫廷御宴。又看那碗内臊子菜和菜油黄白绿,色彩分明,挑起面条形如小旗,放进碗内状似花朵,于是起名旗花面。</h1><h1> Zhang Wei thought that the empress's illness was caused by overnutrition because she often ate all kinds of foods from both land and sea. So he went to the Palace and submit this food. When the empress smelt the vinegared soup, her mouth and tongue began to produce saliva and her appetite became so strong that she immediately ate several bowls of the noodles. Few days later the empress became well and the emperor was very glad, so he highly rewarded Zhang Wei and enrolled this food among the dishes of the palace banquets. Meanwhile the emperor carefully watched, he found the white chicken shreds and the golden rap oil made a beautiful scene in the soup and when the noodles were stirred up with chopsticks, the shreds of egg pie looked like many flags and after they were put down, they became many little flowers on the surface of the soup, so the emperor named this food Qihua noodles.</h1><h1><span style="font-size: 20px;"> 后来,弘治年间钦点头名状元,官居翰林院修撰的武功人康海,喜食面条,让自己的厨师向御膳房的厨师学会作旗花面的方法。被罢官后,他返回故里,于是旗花面便在武功古城流传开来。<br></span><span style="font-size: 20px;"> Later, Kang Hai who won the Number One Scholar in the year of Hong Zhi in the Ming Dynasty loved noodles very much and asked his chef to learn how to make Qihua Noodles in the Palace. When Kang Hai was dismissed from the official position, he came back home and from then on Qihua Noodles began to spread in Wugong Ancient Town.</span></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">2,<b><font color="#b04fbb">插酥</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">Chasu</h1> <h3></h3><h1>  插酥,起源于民国末年,为武功古城特有的传统小吃。初创为马油制作,故称之为“马油插酥”。后在马油逐渐短缺之际,据中医古法替换猪油,几经改良优于马油,再加入鸡蛋,并入嫩韭,逐流传至今。</h1><h1> Chasu, which originated during the period of the Republic of China, is one of the special local foods in Wugong Ancient Town. In the beginning it was made from horse fat, so it was called “Horse Fat Chasu”. Later for the lack of horse fat, Chasu was made from lard according to an ancient way&nbsp;of&nbsp;traditional&nbsp;Chinese medicine. And after much improvement eggs and Chinese chives are mixed into it. The final cooking way was passed from generation to generation until now.</h1> <h3><h1>  猪油性甘微寒,其有解肝毒,清水肿,利肠胃,利血脉等功效。韭菜,益肝健脾,行气理血,补肾温阳,二者与鸡蛋搭配,可谓营养互补,相得益彰。</h1><h1> The nature of lard is sweet and a little cold, which can detoxify liver toxin, remove water swelling ,clear intestines and stomach and benefit blood vessel. Chinese chives are good for liver and spleen,help the circulation of qi and blood, reinforce kidney and warm yang. When the two are mixed with eggs, their nutrients will complement with each other.</h1></h3> <h1>  制作时,炭火上下加热,成品出锅后两面酥黄。撕开一层,韭菜鸡蛋作其饼心,香味散处,满街飘香。</h1><h1> When cooking, charcoal fire can heat both sides of the pie. So when it is ready, the whole pie looks golden. If you tear up a layer, the fried egg and Chinese chieves will give off a delicous smell filling the whole street.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">3,<b><font color="#b04fbb">油 糕</font></b></h1> <h1>  油糕,是武功古城老少皆宜的一种特色小吃。小麦面粉包壳,红糖或白糖作馅,使用纯菜籽油高温油炸,色泽金黄,呈椭圆形状,口感既甜又酥脆,细腻柔软,地道的纯天然绿色食品。</h1><h1> Oil cake, a special local food in Wugong Ancient Town, is popular with both the old and young. It is made of wheat flouer and sugar. And it is fried in boiling pure rapeseed oil and looks oval and golden when it is ready. It tastes sweet, crisp, delicate and soft, and it is really a natural green food.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">4,<b><font color="#b04fbb">粽 子</font></b></h1> <h1>  粽子,由粽叶包裹糯米蒸制而成,武功古城的粽子多以大枣或红豆作馅。每年农历五月初五的端午节,古城百姓就会浸糯米、洗粽叶、包粽子,节日的古城漂着浓浓的粽香。</h1><h1> Zongzi is often made by using reed leaves to cover rice and steaming, and people usually use Chinese-date or red bean as its pie in Wugong Ancient Town. Every year May 5th in lunar Chinese calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival when in Wugong Town people will soak rice, wash reed leaves and make Zongzi. So on that day the whole town is filled with the delicous smell of Zongzi.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">5,<b><font color="#b04fbb">饸烙面</font></b></h1> <h3></h3><h1>  武功古城饸烙面,是一道用料考究,独具特色的传统风味面食。它的制作着实辛苦,是用木制的饸饹床子把和好的面团压成滚圆的长条细面,直接进开水锅煮熟,初以玉米粉为面料,配以纯菜籽油、辣椒、葱花、生姜、胡椒、茴香、花椒和上等的纯粮醋等熬制的汤,吃起来香而不辣,味道鲜美。现在以小麦粉替玉米粉,口感营养更胜一筹。</h1><h1> Heluo is a traditional local noodle food which is delicous and made of fine materials that are carefully chosen. It is hard to make it in the old way that people use a wooden set to press a dough into long round noodles. And the noodles will directly fall into boiling water. Long ago the dough was made of maize flouer and the soup was made of pure rapeseed oil, pepper, chopped onions, ginger, white pepper, fennel, Sichuan pepper and fine vinegar, and it tastes not hot but delicous and memorable. Nowadays it is made of wheat flouer instead of the maize one and it contains more nutrients.</h1> <h1>  随着人们生活水平的提高,古城饸烙面的制作也由过去百年的笨重制作方法改为电动机械制作,佐料和营养也更加丰富科学,实为武功古城之绿色美食!</h1><h1> With the improvement of living standards, the way to make Heluo noodles have begun to use an electric machine instead of the wooden set worked by hand. Nowadays more condiments can be used to make this food more nutritive, and it has become a really delicous green food in Wugong Ancient Town.</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>五,<font color="#ed2308">发展规划</font></b></h1><p style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">Development projects</font></b></h3><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">1,</font><font color="#b04fbb">森林小镇</font><font color="#b04fbb"></font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">A Forest Town</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">2,<b><font color="#b04fbb">漆水河湿地公园</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">Qishui River Wetland Park</font></b></h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/q2uc9if?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:漆水河湿地公园</a><b><font color="#010101"><br></font></b></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>3,<font color="#b04fbb">后稷广场</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">Hou Ji Square</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">夜色中的后稷广场</h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">Hou Ji Square at night</h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/11cowmsx?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:后稷广场夜色撩人</a><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>4,<font color="#b04fbb">油菜花海</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">Rape Flower Sea</font></b></h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/17ali4tl?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>《金色花海•醉美古城》油菜花节</a><b><font color="#010101"><br></font></b></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>5,<font color="#b04fbb">姜嫄水乡</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">Jiangyuan Watery Village</font></b></h1><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/9rw9ddc?share_from=self" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>舌尖上的武功古城:姜嫄水乡 家的味道</a><b><font color="#010101"><br></font></b></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; "><b>6,<font color="#b04fbb">美阳关</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center; "><b><font color="#010101">Meiyangguan Pass</font></b></h1> <h1><font style="font-weight: bold;" color="#39b54a">  每个人的内心都有一个古城情怀,不是因为怀恋过去,而是那种古朴与清新可以洗去太多的喧嚣,让心静下来去感悟生命,去享受本该自然绿色的人生。</font></h1><h1><b style=""><font color="#39b54a"> 我爱你,武功古城!</font></b></h1><h1><font color="#b04fbb"></font><font color="#b04fbb"><b> </b></font>Everybody will have a feeling to visit and live in an ancient town in his or her mind, which is not because of thinking fondly of past times but because the simplicity and freshness in the ancient town can lead us to go far away from the noisy city, can calm down our heart and help us to understand life, to enjoy the natural green life.</h1><h1> I love you, Wugong Ancient Town !</h1> <h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1w8pq3dx?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 家乡的年味</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1wes5e7t?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 过大年</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/973scyp?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古镇:九街十八巷</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1xh5al9l?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 上阁寺登高2019</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1xa65yo0?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:聂村庙会2019</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1zk2626g?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 小华山庙会2019</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/20p7miaz?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 《金色花海,醉美古城》油菜花节</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/21oq6d8c?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 苏武精神是什么?</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/2340dh7q?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 东岳庙会纪实</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/23xkseka?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城舞长龙</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/24z16huw?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 中华太极·天下武功</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/25vi9lvz?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:家乡五月粽香飘</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/28ayocug?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 六月初一城隍庙会2019</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1nythdsc?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>秋览武功古城</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1q29s0lm?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:城隍爷出城看戏了!</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1qetccqr?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:银杏叶黄了</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1syzkuw0?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 河滩古会上的歌舞团</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1t3xdfcm?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 河滩古会看大戏</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1tehjk7w?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:河滩古会品老茶</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1uuhbvvt?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:冬雪乡愁</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1v12m0jb?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城: 不一样的腊八节</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/15fend13?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城之春</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/ygvjwcb?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城:摩托车越野赛</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1n5q51cy?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城观音乐喷泉</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/1nfm7iv2?share_from=self&amp;share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink">&nbsp;</span>武功古城首届电音节</a><br></h3>