

<h3> 为了丰富、活跃校园文化,提升学生综合素质,给学生搭建更广阔的英语交流平台,提高学生英语口语水平,大辛店中学英语教研组于3月27日举行了第六届“新华杯”英语口语大赛,参赛人员包括十名初二、九名初三学生。</h3> <h3><font color="#010101">赛前,小选手们在摩拳擦掌地备战。</font></h3> <h3>盛装的主持人在商榷。</h3> <h3>比赛正式开始。</h3> <h3> 初二 王怡涵 </h3> <h3>Ladies and gentlemen,</h3><div>&nbsp; I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “A person I admire”. I hope you will like it.</div><div><br></div><div> A person I admire</div><div> There are lots of famous and successful people in my life, like Ma Yun, Bill Gates , Yu Minhong and so on. But there is only a person that I admire in my mind. She gave me life and gives me a happy family. She encourages and supports me every time when I am down. Everyone can find a person like this. Yes. She is my mother.</div><div><br></div><div> My mother isn’t only successful in her work, but also successful in her family. On the one hand, my mother did good jobs in her work. Everything she did was excellent. She got many kinds of prizes. But not everything went well, my mother always tried to face any difficulties and problems in her job. Whatever happened, she never said “give up” to herself. She is always ready to try her best. She is responsible for her work and works very hard. On the other hand, she is responsible for her family. She loves my father and me very much.&nbsp; She often cooks delicious food for us. She cares a lot about my health and my study. She always gives me the best. She often plays sports and games with us when she has free time. Once I failed my exam, I felt so upset. My mother didn’t blame me. She found out the reasons together with me and she cheered me up. I have learned to be more confident and grateful. In my daily life, sometimes I felt my mother was so strict, but she never shouted at me. In my mind, she taught me how to live, how to study, how to be a better person and how to smile every day. Maybe you think I didn’t get anything from my mother. In fact, I got everything from my mother. My mother is just like a mountain in my heart. I’m proud of my mother and I wish that I will be a person like her when I grow up.</div><div><br></div><div> My mother is a great mother. So I admire her most. I love her very much. Do you have a great mother?&nbsp; Please love her.</div> <h3> 初二 许一鸣 </h3> <h3> 初二 王雪如 </h3> <h3> 初二 翟昱童</h3> <h3>  Hello everybody. My name is Zhai Yutong. And today my title is “Books and I”. I have a long story with my books. Now, let me tell you something about the story, OK? let’s start.</h3><h3><br></h3><div>&nbsp; When I was 5-6 months old, I read the first book in my life. You know, we couldn’t understand any words when we were babies, so my parents gave me a book without words— all of the pages are pictures. And that was the first book I read. Then, I loved reading.</div><div>&nbsp; When I was 6 years old, my parents bought a set of books, 《Little Newton 》《Science Museum》, I learned a lot from this set of books, such as the story of tea, human, housing, the history of car and so on. My parents also subscribed to some magazines, such as 《We Love Science》《Little Copernicus》and so on.&nbsp; From these books, I know a lot about the world . I know the wonderful stories of great heroes in history, secrets of nature, mysteries of the universe.</div><div><br></div><div>&nbsp; When I was 10, my father bought a book named 《Yuan Tengfei Speaks of the Second World War》. It is a really interesting book. The writer, Yuan Tengfei is quite humorous, and his funny words always make me laugh. I learned a lot from it. For example, I know not only a lot of famous battles and tactics in WW2, but also the cruelty of the war .So I love peace more.</div><div><br></div><div>&nbsp; I love reading from the bottom of my heart, and I do learn a lot from books .To me, books are like a faithful friend ,always around me, giving me enjoyment and wisdom.They make me smarter and more learned.</div><div><br></div><div> Finally I want to end up my speech with a famous saying by Shakespeare: A life without books, he seems to have no sun. Wisdom without books, like wingless bird.I will continue to read, even if I am 60, 70 or 80,I will still keep reading. </div><div><br></div><div> Thank you for listening to my stories and opinions about reading. That’s all for my speech. </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp; </div> <h3> 初二 黄煜卿 </h3> <h3> 初二 王雅群</h3> <h3> 初二 杨小萱</h3> <h3><font color="#010101"> 初二 李紫盈</font></h3> <h3> 初二 时婧媛</h3> <h3> 初二 杨宇衡</h3> <h3> 初三 迟闰杰</h3> <h3> 初三 王宏坤</h3> <h3> 初三 宁 轩</h3> <h3> 初三 姜林雁</h3> <h3> 初三 姚涵懿</h3> Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! My name is Jane. I’m glad to stand here to give you a speech. Today my topic is “The Smile behind the Tear ”.<div><br></div><div>Boys and girls, when I mention this topic, what do you think of it ? Yes, the first thing we think of is that we will tear with joy after we overcome difficulties. Our life is colourful, sometimes sweet, and sometimes bitter. We need to be optimistic and don’t give up easily. Although there are so many difficulties in our life, we should believe that the smile lies behind the tear. When facing difficulties, we are still in the struggle. We also need to believe that we do grow after we experience frustration, failure or sadness. Finally we will succeed. Just as the old saying goes “the sunshine is always after the rain”.</div><div><br></div><div>As we all know, there are many great people who have experienced all kinds of tribulations. There must be some bitter experiences behind their success. It is hard to imagine that they suffered great pain.Some people were disabled. Some of them might suffer the financial losses. They might feel desperate when they were in trouble. To our surprise, they gained great achievements with amazing perseverance. We appreciate their success. They became successful writers, businessmen and so on. We only see their smile on their faces, but we ignore the tears and paying the nose for it behind their success. But they stay the cause and do their best to advance with smile and tears.</div><div><br></div><div>Nowadays, there are many shows on TV about the stories of those who pursue their dreams and are not afraid of failure. They set good examples to us. As long as we believe in ourselves, all the difficulties will no longer exist. After the success, the tears also refer to happiness.</div><div><br></div><div>So much for my speech. That ’s all. Thanks for your listening!</div><div><br></div> <h3> 初三 迟鹿鸣</h3> <h3> 初三 邹震霖</h3> <h3> 初三 张晖昕</h3> <h3> 初三 张钰奇</h3> <h3>评委老师在统计比赛结果和准备奖品。</h3> <h3> 三等奖获得者</h3> <h3> 二等奖获得者</h3> <h3> 一等奖获得者</h3> 这次比赛旨在丰富、活跃校园文化,提升学生综合素质,为有特长的同学提供展示自我的舞台。整个大赛轻松愉快,集趣味性和知识性于一体,获得学生们的一致好评。参加演讲的小选手们精神振奋、姿态优雅,语音语调标准,声情并茂,情理交融,善于运用事例,调动现场气氛,引起听众评委广泛共鸣,演讲效果非常不错。比赛决出一等奖六名,二等奖六名,三等奖七名。所有评委裁判公正,各类奖项实至名归,两年级的学生收看现场视频,受到了极大的振奋和鼓舞。<div><br><div>  通过这次口语大赛,大家更加重视英语口语,提高自身综合素质。每一次比赛都是一次成长,同学们会带着演讲之旅带来的收获,不断激励自己,努力前行。</div></div> <h3>活动策划、文字编辑:吕 妍</h3><h3>图片摄影、美篇编辑:张吉华</h3>









