

<h3>  开营时间:11月12日</h3><h3> 训练时间:启蒙班周一晚上7:00-8:00</h3><h3> 进阶班:周二晚上7:00-8:00</h3> <h3>  This time, the spoken English lessons of primary for experience are divided into two classes: one is the Enlightenment class for Grade Two and Three, the other is the Advanced class for Grade Four, Five and Six. There are six lessons for each. All the lessons will be taught around the core topic——self-introduction. Our goals are to let your kids say goodbye to dumb English, and to let your kids get lots of funs from English in Autumn.   我们凹凸此次小学英语口语体验课分为两个班级:一个是针对二、三年级的启蒙班;另一个是针对四、五、六年级的进阶班。体验课各为六次。每次课都将围绕此次体验课的核心主题——自我介绍来进行。我们的目的在于:让您的孩子从此能告别哑巴式英语,让您孩子在这个冬季能用英语“放肆”起来。<br></h3> <h3>  Hello everyone, I am Grace, majored in English and graduated from Central South University. During my school life, I’ve obtained the certificate of TEM8 and spoken language certificates for PETS3 and PETS4. Personally speaking, I am lovely and cheerful person, and full of passion. And my motto is everything in the world is beyond your imagination, and nothing is beyond your reach.</h3> <h3>  大家好,我是你们的Grace老师,毕业于中南大学英语系,曾获得了专业英语八级证书以及公共英语三、四级口语证书。本人性格活泼开朗,做事认真负责,而且充满激情。我的座右铭是:世界上任何事情只有你想不到,没有你做不到。</h3> <h3> Carmen老师,毕业于中南大学英语系,专业英语八级,公共英语口语四级。多次参加英语口语比赛,在第八届“阳光之星”口语风采大赛中获得湖南省一等奖,全国银奖。教学风格独特,深受学生的喜爱。座右铭:今日事,今日毕。 <br></h3> <h3>  安全洁净温馨的学习环境!</h3> <h3>  学员入学预交200元押金,学生在训练期间无旷课、早退、迟到学费全额返还,并送同等价值的礼物或代金券。 </h3> <h3>报名联系方式:0736-2885338</h3><h3> 18173628536</h3><h3>一校地址:汉寿县芙蓉路蓝湾美树1栋2楼</h3><h3> (詹乐贫中学校门正对面)</h3><h3>二校地址:汉寿县辰阳南路南泰楼2楼</h3><h3> (詹乐贫附小校门斜对面)</h3>